Cliff Broman

Professor of Sociology · Michigan State University

An expert in substance abuse, drinking among youth, mental health and stress, race and ethnicity, and family studies.

Mental Health Racial Inequality Health & Disease Families Race Culture and Ethnicity

Neil McNerney

Author, Relationship Expert, Parenting Guru

Helping Parents and Educators Become Better Leaders

Parenting With Purpose The Five Secrets to Disclipline Parenting Homework Leadership

Doug Williamson

President and Chief Executive Officer · The Beacon Group

A bold thinker and dynamic speaker, with extensive global experience, who can provide unique insights into today's business challenges.

Megatrends & Seismic Shifts - Coping With the New Reality Leading Through Chaos & Disruption Innovation & Design Thinking Global Leadership in A Modern World Science of Strategic Thinking

Farha Abbasi

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry · Michigan State University

Farha Abbasi's areas of interest are cultural psychiatry and teaching how to provide culturally appropriate care to Muslim patients.

Muslim Mental Health Muslim American Community

Lisa Scarton

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Lisa Scarton focuses her research on reducing health disparities among American Indian populations, especially Type 2 diabetes.

Health Disparities Type 2 Diabetes

Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, CCC, BCPP

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach · MassEnergy

Keynote Speaker/Holistic Psychotherapist//Relationship Expert/Life and Wellness Coach

The Ultimate Holistic Anti-Anxiety Workshop Relationships Boundaries Transform the Inner Bully Into A Supportive Coach

Li Dai, Ph.D.

Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Political Violence Emerging Markets Multinational Corporations Institutional Theory Firm Strategy in Hostile Contexts

Diana Wilkie

Professor · University of Florida

Diana Wilkie has devoted her research program to cancer pain and sickle cell disease management, palliative care and end-of-life issues.

Cancer Pain Palliative Care End-of-Life Issues

Lucy Wilson

Professor Emeritus of English · Loyola Marymount University

Advanced Essay Writing Pre-Major Poetry Twentieth-Century Literature

Rosanna Perotti

Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Perotti's expertise is in American politics, including Congress, elections and political parties.

American Politics Congress Media and Politics American Political Parties American Elections

Sandra M. Chafouleas

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut

Professor Chafouleas is an expert on whole child, school mental health, behavioral assessment, and K12 tiered systems of support.

Multi-Tiered Frameworks Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Social-Emotional-Behavioral Assessment School Mental Health Trauma-Informed Schools

Leo Barbe

Founder · Think Don't Shoot

Award winning youth activist, published author, spoken word artist, National figure on youth vioelnce and founder of a youth empowerment org

Youth Assistance Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Emotional Intelligence Youth Violence Empowering Victims of Violence

Holly Oxhandler, Ph.D.

Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development, Associate Professor, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work · Baylor University

Oxhandler studies how to ethically & effectively assess and discuss clients’ religion/spirituality within health and mental health treatment

Religion and Social Work Religion and Spirituality in Clinical Practice Evidence-Based Practice Process Scale Development Mental Health (primarily Anxiety and Depression)

Holly Brophy-Herb

Professor of Human Development and Family Studies · Michigan State University

Early Childhood Development Expert

Obesity Risk Infant Mental Health Parenting Self-regulation and emotion regulation Reflective functioning

Todd Powell-Williams, PhD

Associate Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Professor Powell-Williams is an expert in social movements, social control, religion, police science and symbolic interactionism.

Social Control Police Science Religion Symbolic Interactionism

Rosalie Moscoe

Owner, Spleaker, Registered Nutritional Consultant · Health in Harmony

Experienced Speaker Extraordinaire, specializing in Stress Relief, Nutrition and Well-Being

Stress Relief - A Wellness Approach to Stress Management Nutrition - How Nutriiton Can Improve Vitality and Mental Health Caregivers - How They Need to Learn Extreme Self Care Stress Wellness

Tom Holt

Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Thomas J. Holt is an expert in Cybercrime, Cyberterror, and Information Warfare Researcher

Terror Malware Information Warfare Cybercrime Identity Theft

Robert Tyler

Extension Instructor · Loyola Marymount University

Continuing Education

Eric Yttri

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Yttri's research goal is to establish how neural circuits lead to these action selection decisions.

Motor Coordination Cognitive Brain Function Neural Circuits Neuroscience

Malina Spirito, M.Ed., MA

Psychologist · ChristianaCare

Malina Spirito, M.Ed., MA, is a psychologist with ChristianaCare.

Perinatal Mental Health Women's Mental Health