Randall Stone
Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester
Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.
International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe
Mitchell Hamilton, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Chair, Department of Marketing and Business Law
Qualitative Research Branding Digital Marketing Consumer Self-Image Higher Education
John Follis
Social Media and Marketing Pro.
Social Media Marketing Marketing 3.0 Attract More Business
Dustin Hahn
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hahn's research examines the presence and use of production elements (such as statistics) in sports media and their effects on fans.
Sports Fanship Statistics in Media Sports Media Sport and Social Media
Hugh Gyton
Certified Speaking Professional · Future Thread
Certified Speaking Professional, sales trainer, coach and behavioural change agent, Hugh Gyton passionately promotes his ethos that "people
High Stake Conversations The Art of Conversation Conversations That Matter Sales Relationships
Elizabeth Hintz, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Communication · University of Connecticut
Elizabeth Hintz’s research examines how individuals manage complex, stigmatized, and poorly understood health conditions.
Interpersonal, Family, and Health Communication Medically unexplained symptoms Chronic Pain Medical Gaslighting Voluntary Childlessness
Oscar (Hengxuan) Chi
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Oscar (Hengxuan) Chi studies the impact of technology, especially AI, on the delivery of services in hospitality and tourism.
Well-being and Sustainability AI in event services AI in hospitality Artificial Intelligence AI in tourism
Karen Musalo
Professor of Law, International Law Professorship Chair and Director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: musalok@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4720 / Office 403-100
Refugee Law and Policy Gender Asylum Women's Rights Child Migrant's Rights Gender Justice / Central America
Celeste Campos-Castillo
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Celeste Campos-Castillo discovers ways technologies can be designed and implemented so that they mitigate inequalities.
Privacy Social Psychology Demographic Patterns Digital Inclusion
My (Myla) Bui, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Neuroplasticity Social Marketing Public Policies Promoting Consumer Wellness Nutritional Labeling Healthcare Management & Innovation
Myiah Hutchens
Associate Professor/Chair · University of Florida
Myiah Hutchens' research examines how communication functions to help or hinder political processes.
Trust Media Effects Disinformation and Misinformation Media Psychology Political Communication
Tara Cataldo
Librarian · University of Florida
Tara Tobin Cataldo is a STEM collections and research metrics librarian at the University of Florida
Discovery of Research Metrics Information Seeking Behavior Research Metrics Open Access Publishing
Oliver Hahl
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Oliver Hahl's research interests revolve around how audience perceptions of organizations and individuals influence behavior in markets.
Authenticity Economic Sociology Business and Economics Organization Theory Entrepreneurship
Dustin Carnahan
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Dustin Carnahan's research focuses on how citizens engage with the political information environment.
Political Communications Political Science Political Information
Laura J. Burton, Ph.D.
Department Head, Educational Leadership · University of Connecticut
Professor focused on management in sports organizations and how gender stereotypes affect women working in athletics.
Gender Stereotypes Access and Success in Leadership Sport Management Gender Issues in Sport Leadership in Sport Organizations
Professor Ralph Tench
Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University
Ralph Tench's research focuses on two communications strands, for social impact and in organisational strategy, behaviour and performance.
Corporate Social Responsibility Public Relations Communications Health
Helen Wood
Professor in Media and Cultural Studies · Aston University
Helen Wood is the author of numerous books and articles on media, gender and class formation.
Media Gender Class Television Cultural Studies
Srinivas Rao
Social Media Producer (freelance) · BlogcastFM
Blogger, Author, Social Media Speaker, Content Strategist and Audience Development Specialist
Audience Development Digital Storytelling Podcasting Blogging Content Strategy
Professor Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo
Professor · Leeds Beckett
Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo's teaching and research focuses primarily on Cyber governance, cyber security and governance of digital technologies.
Law Cybersecurity Human Rights Law and Technology Cybercrime
Bruno Basso
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Bruno Basso's research deals mainly with water, carbon, nitrogen cycling & modeling in agro-ecosystems.
Sustainabile Intensification Nitrogren Water Carbon Agro-Ecosystems