Julie Niesen Gosdin
Senior Marketing Manager, Social Marketing · Pearson North America
Educational tech, social media, marketing and community building (plus food, restaurants and cocktails for good measure).
Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy Digital Strategy Blogging
Iain Lovatt
CEO · Blue Sheep LLP
Marketer obsessed with delivering actionable customer insight for clients
Data Analysis Databases Customer Insight
Tom Cates
President · The Brookeside Group
Experienced Speaker and Motivated Businessperson
Sales Business Intelligence Customer Insight
Vladimir Dimitroff
Director · PRISM Consulting (UK) Ltd
Popular highly insightful and captivating speaker on CRM and Customer Experience, Segmentation, Loyalty, Social business and Innovation
Customer Segmentation Customer Retention and Loyalty Social Business and Innovation Customer-Centric Strategy and Operations Customer Experience
Kurt Cogghe
Partner · 4C Consulting
Advanced Analytics; Big data in Reality; Marketing Mix Forecasting
Advanced Analytics Big Data in Reality Corporate Performance Management
Eric Spangenberg
Professor of Marketing and Psychological Science; Academic director for the Center for Global Leadership · UC Irvine
Eric Spangenberg is an expert in consumer behavior, psychology, leadership and statistics.
Environmental Psychology Question-Behavior Effects Consumer Behavior Marketing Psychometrics