Yuan-Jen Chiang

Professor of Mathematics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Chiang is an expert in harmonic maps and analysis.

Harmonic Maps Differential Geometry Global Analysis and Analysis on Manifolds Differential Equations Topology and Mathematical Physics

Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Buchweitz researches Commutative and Homological Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Singularity Theory

Commutative Algebra Algebraic Geometry Singularities

Robert McCann

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor McCann's research focuses on optimal transportation and its applications within and outside mathematics.

Mathematical Physics Mathematical Economics Convex Analysis Geometry Optimization

John Bland

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Bland researches Differential Geometry

Several Complex Variables Differential Geometry

Allan Zarembski

Professor of Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Railway Engineering and Safety Program · University of Delaware

Prof. Zarembski has expertise in railroad track engineering and railroad safety.

Railroad Track Engineering Railroad Safety Derailment Analysis Wheel-Rail Interaction Rail Inspection

Yael Karshon

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Professor Karshon's research focuses on symplectic geometry

Symplectic Geometry Equivariant topology

Keith Mellinger

Professor of Mathematics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Mellinger blends mathematics and music.

Discrete Mathematics Coding Theory Geometry Math

Rachita Sowle, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Research interests include theoretical computer science, algorithms, graph theory, and computational geometry.

Algorithm Design and Analysis Problem Solving Algorithm Design & Analysis: complexity analysis approximation algorithm design and analysis Graph Theory Computational Geometry

James Garrett

Provost and Chief Academic Officer · Carnegie Mellon University

James Garrett is instrumental in institutional and academic planning and implementation

Smart Infrastructure Remote Sensing Civil Engineering Data Mining Signal Processing

Yuichi Motai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University.

System Safety Intelligent Systems with Adaptive Tracking Online Classification Methodologies Medical Imaging Pattern Recognition

Gil P. Klein

Associate Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Rabbinic Judaism Architectural History Talmud and Midrash Sacred Space Roman Cities

Katherine Whitaker

Associate Professor of Astronomy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kate Whitaker is an observational extragalactic astronomer who studies galaxy formation and evolution at the very edges of the universe.

Detection of Dead Galaxies Galaxy formation and evolution Astronomy

Radenka Maric, Ph.D.

University President · University of Connecticut

Dr. Maric researches novel materials for fuel cell & battery manufacturing, nanomaterials, sensors, hydrogen generation & biofuels.

Sustainable Energy Technologies Nanomaterials Engineering Sensors Sustainable Energy Manufacturing

Varun Makhija

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Varun Makhija's research focuses on the interaction of light with matter, and the ensuing motion of molecular atoms and electrons.

Chemical Physics Molecular and Optical Physics Chemistry and Physics Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Brooke Flammang

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Flammang specializes in functional morphology, biomechanics, and bioinspired technology of fishes, including sharks and remora.

Marine Biology Physiology Biomechanics Biology Biomechanics of Animal Locomotion

Michael J. McClure, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | BE, Vanderbilt University | Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University · VCU College of Engineering

Understanding the role of extracellular matrix and mechanical forces to regulate skeletal muscle structure, function, and innervation.

Muscle aging Cell-matrix interactions Integrin-mediated signaling Myoblast fusion Regenerative rehabilitation in skeletal muscle trauma

Professor Ed Galea

Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich

His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally

Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence

Sina Shahbazmohamadi, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering · University of Connecticut

Hardware security expert

Hardware Security Reliability and failure of micro/nanoscale systems X-ray tomography and applications

Enrique (Erik) Blair, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering · Baylor University

An expert in low-power computing, molecular computing, and quantum-dot cellular automata.

Entropy Power Dissipation Low-power Computing Molecular Computing Finite-dimensional Quantum

Christopher A. Lemmon, Ph.D.

Inez A Caudill Professor; Associate Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering | B.S., Lehigh University | M.S., University of Wisconsin | Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University · VCU

Dr. Lemmon's research lies in cell-generated traction forces and extracellular matrix biology

Cell-generated traction forces Extracellular matrix biology Cellular mechanotransduction Mechanobiology of fibrosis Matrix mechanics and signaling in the tumor microenvironment;