Rattan Lal
Associate Professor, Soil Science | Environment and Natural Resources · The Ohio State University
Rattan Lal is a Professor of Soil Physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University .
Soil Science Environment Natural Resources
Isaac Larsen
Associate Professor of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Geoscientist Isaac Larsen has made groundbreaking discoveries about the rate, extent and causes of soil erosion in the American Midwest.
Soil Erosion Landsacape Evolution Megafloods Geomorphology Agriculure and Soil Erosion
Verena Seufert
Postdoctoral Fellow · University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Scientist interested in all things food and nature. Studying how we can do agriculture better.
Sustainability organic agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Change
Cholani Weebadde
Assistant Professor - Plant Breeder for International Programs · Michigan State University
Cholani Weebadde is dedicated to training the next generation of plant breeders as hunger fighters.
Global Food Security Hunger Plant Breeding Climate Adaptation
Charlie Messina
Professor · University of Florida
Charlie Messina has expertise about crop modeling and plant breeding.
Climate Change Artificial Intelligence Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Plant Breeding Maize
Felicia Wu
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Expert in food safety, social network analysis, global health, risk assessment, economic models, environmental health risks, public health
Social Network Models of Food Trade Immunotoxicology Social Network Modeling Public Health Environmental Health
Dr Verity Jones
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Education and Childhood · UWE Bristol
Her area of interest is developing young people’s education on sustainability.
Public Engagement Eco-fashion Sustainability Education Natural Food Sources Edible Insects