Sarah Hill
Professor, Psychology · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hill specializes in research on women's sexual psychology, sex hormones, and the birth control pill.
The Birth Control Pill Mind-Body Interactions Menstrual Cycle Interpersonal Relationships Sex Hormones
Alicia Walf
Senior Lecturer, Cognitive Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Neuroscientist with extensive research into body, brain, and mind relationships related to brain health, social cognition and emotions.
Brain Health Emotion Memory Neuroplasticity Well-Being
Kelly Klump
MSU Foundation Professor of Psychology and Fellow, Academy for Eating Disorders · Michigan State University
Kelly Klump is an expert in genetic and biological factors of eating disorders.
Psychology Eating Disorders
Michael R. Foy
Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Biological Psychology Hormone Action On Brain Eeg Recording and Analysis Neurobiology Behavioral Neuroscience
Zvi Schwartz, D.M.D., Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Doctor of dental medicine and periodontal expert; skilled program developer
Bone Cartilage and mineralization and their relation to Vitamin D sex hormones and local factors. Implant and bone substitute mechanism of action and clinical use Steroid hormone Periodontal diseases etiology and treatment The Effect of Vitamin D on Cartilage Cells in Vitro
Barbara D. Boyan, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Institute for Engineering and Medicine | B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rice University · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Boyan specializes in cell and tissue engineering
Cell and Tissue Engineering Response of Cells to Biomaterials Mechanisms of Action of Hormones and Growth Factors in Cartilage and Bone Normal and Pathological Calcification Stem Cell Delivery Technologies
Barry Setlow
Professor · University of Florida
Barry Setlow focuses on understanding the neural and behavioral mechanisms of substance use disorders and aging.
Aging Neuroscience Impulsivity Memory Animal Models
Laura Vandenberg
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.
Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment
Siobhan Malany
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Siobhan Malany studies the effects of microgravity on human muscle biology using an automated tissue chip system.
Space Age-related Msucle Atrophy Drug Discovery and Screening Space Medicine Human Muscle Biology
Michael J. McClure, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | BE, Vanderbilt University | Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University · VCU College of Engineering
Understanding the role of extracellular matrix and mechanical forces to regulate skeletal muscle structure, function, and innervation.
Muscle aging Cell-matrix interactions Integrin-mediated signaling Myoblast fusion Regenerative rehabilitation in skeletal muscle trauma
Janice Kiecolt-Glaser
Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University
Medical expert focused on the impacts of stress on metabolic response.
Psychoneuroimmunology Behavioral immunology Close relationships, inflammation, and health Stress and inflammation in cancer survivors Behavioral influences on metabolism following high-fat meals
Deborah Kurrasch
Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics · University of Calgary
Kurrasch’s research is focused on genetic programs that govern hypothalamic development using both mice and zebrafish as model organisms.
Molecular Biology Developmental Biology Pharmacology Neuroscience Genetics
René Olivares-Navarrete, D.D.S, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | D.D.S, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Ph.D., National Autonomous University of Mexico · VCU DEPT OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
Olivares-Navarrete’s research focuses on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine approaches for Craniofacial and Orthopaedic needs.
Tissue Engineering Stem Cell Biology and Engineering Biomaterials for Craniofacial and Musculoskeletal Tissues Immunomodulation and Immunoengineering Wnt Signaling in Morphogenesis Healing and Regeneration
Edie Dullaghan
Head, Target Validation · Centre for Drug Research and Development
Striving for excellence through mentoring people and by fostering creative/critical thinking,
Drug Development Infectious Disease Biology Molecular Genetics of Gene Expression Immunohistochemistry Antibiotic development
Mark Prausnitz
Professor, Director of Center for Drug Design, Development, and Delivery, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Mark Prausnitz and his colleagues carry out research on biophysical methods of drug delivery.
Biotechnology Materials and Nanotechnology Biophysical Methods of Drug Delivery Complex Systems
Darlene Kertes
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.
Antecedents Psychchology
Daniele Piomelli
Distinguished Professor · UC Irvine
Daniele Piomelli's research is focused on the function of lipid-derived messengers, with particular emphasis on endogenous cannabinoids.
Anatomy & Neurobiology Cellular Pharmacology CBD Marijuana Neuropharmacology
Erin Calipari
Associate Professor of Pharmacology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in the neuroscience of mental illness and addiction, including gender differences.
Opioids adaptive processes self-administered drugs Dopamine Addiction and Recovery
Genoa Warner
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Examines how endocrine disrupting chemicals impact biological systems
Reproductive Biology Toxicology Hormones Chemical Biology Endocrine Disruption
Dr Amanda Hall
Lecturer, Audiology · Aston University
Dr Hall's research focuses on the causes and impact of hearing loss in children, at both the individual and the population level.
Audiology Shared Decision Making Audiology Health Services Research Causes and Impact of Childhood Hearing Loss Longitudinal Cohort Studies