Melissa Armstrong
M.D./Associate Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Melissa Armstrong's research focuses on the lived experiences of individuals with Lewy body dementia and their caregivers.
Dementia and End of Life Corticobasal Syndrome Parkinson Disease Lewy Body Dementia Atypical Parkinsonism
Laura Huaracha
Associate Professor of Communication and Digital Media · Carthage College
Communicators shouldn’t fear science; they should embrace it. Professor Laura Huaracha is adamant about that.
Curriculum Development Student Development Graphic Design Illustrator Indesign
Lynsey Steinberg
Director of Innovation at the Georgia Cyber Center · Augusta University
Lynsey Steinberg is one of the 300 board-certified medical illustrators and also an expert on virtual reality.
Community and Economic Virtual Reality Medical Illustration Gamification Innovation
John R. Cooley, MBA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Residence · University of Connecticut
John R. Cooley studies speciation and species distributions, using cicada species as model organisms.
Cicadas Speciation Species Distribution Modeling Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Joel Assogba
Author-Illustrator, Speaker (Trilingual = English, French, Japanese) · Queen's L.I. / Daddy Publishing & Public Speaking Inc.
No Bullying, No Racism: I Promote Tolerance & Diversity
Education Human Rights Fighting Bullying
Dawn Stephens
Principal, Author, Illustrator · Central Christian Academy and Dawn Stephens Books
Children's Author, Elem Principal, Curriculum specialist, and Fruit Pot
Martin Mostert
Missions Activist, Lecturer & Practitioner · Serving Strangers
Eccentric, funny speaker who helps people cross church thresholds the other way!
Evangelism - Non-Cringe Missions - From Genesis to Revelation Missions - From Acts to Now
Lefteris Heretakis MA RCA
Designer/Lecturer · Heretakis & Associates
Self Publishing and Corporate Identity Specialist.
Photography Education Design Visual Communiaction Corporate Identity and Branding
Gabriel Donleavy
Professor of Accounting · UWS Business School
Wit, insight and passion on business ethics issues, on the facts behind the spin and on the power of postive cynicism in current work and ho
Leadership Without the Habit of Lying The Art of Validation Resolving Knotty Problems With Kabbalistic Analysis Making Worklife More Interesting