Kate Ratliff
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Kate Ratliff’s research investigates implicit biases and other barriers to diversity and inclusion.
Race Attitudes Implicit Bias Diversity & Inclusion Gender Attitudes Prejudice & Stereotyping
Charmion B. Rush
Associate Professor of Inclusive and Special Education · Western Carolina University
Charmion Rush's areas of research include culture relevant pedagogy, disproportionate representation, implicit bias and literacy practices.
Teacher Development Special Education Inclusion Disproportionate Representation Culture Relevant Pedagogy
Marshall Jones
Assistant Professor and Director | School of Psychology · Florida Tech
Dr. Jones is a recognized innovator in public safety and law enforcement, both as a practitioner and applied researcher.
Organizational Behavior Implicit Bias Training Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures Leadership Pathfinding Leadership Development
Leigh McLean
Associate Research Professor, Education · University of Delaware
Prof. McLean investigates how teachers’ emotions and emotion-related experiences including well-being impact their effectiveness.
Developmental Psychology Instructional Practices Teachers and Teaching Well-Being Classroom Behavior
Carol Izumi
Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: izumic@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8829 / Office 407-100
Consumer Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Mediation Clinical Law
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann
Professor · Michigan State University
Beth is interested in issues of equity that concern authority, positioning, & voice in mathematics classrooms & professional development.
Mathematics Mathematics Education
Joan C. Williams
Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Hastings Foundation Chair and Director of the Center for WorkLife Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: williams@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4706 / Office 402-100
Property Law Feminist Legal Theory Work Life Balance Gender and Sexuality in the Law Work Conflict
Erika V. Hall
Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Faculty Advisor, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Hall's research focuses on the influence of race, gender, and class-based stereotypes and implicit biases on workplace interactions.
Stereotyping Implicit Bias Race and Gender Social Psychology
Zico Kolter
Associate Professor and Director of Machine Learning · Carnegie Mellon University
Zico Kolter researches how to make deep learning algorithms more robust, safer, and understand how data impacts how models function.
Elections Large Language Models, Generative AI Neural Networks Deep Learning Machine Learning
Maia Hoskin
Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology
School Counseling Mental Health Counseling Diversity & Inclusion Structural Racism Antiblack Racism
Nilanjana Buju Dasgupta
Provost Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Director of the Institute of Diversity Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nilanjana "Buju" Dasgupta studies how implicit or unconscious bias influences people’s first impressions and behavior toward others.
Women in STEM Implicit Bias STEM Education Social Identity Stereotypes
Miranda Banks
Associate Professor and Chair of Film, Television, and Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University
School of Film and Television
Production Studies Media Industries Gender and Media
Julie Ancis
Professor, Informatics · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Dr. Julie Ancis explores cyberpsychology, the relationship between technology and human behavior, diversity and gender.
Technology and Human Behavior Counseling Psychology Cyberpsychology Multicultural Competence Mental Health of Women