Jay Samit
CEO · SocialVibe
Top Industry expert on how Brands can leverage Social Media
Social Media Roi Engaging the Consumer Secrets of Successful Brands in Social Media
Bonnie Knutson
Professor · Michigan State University
Bonnie Knutson often consults with business leaders who want to understand and take advantage of changing consumer demands.
Sales & Sales Management Service Leadership Innovation Hospitality Leadership Consumer Behavior
Rhianna Collier
Vice President, Software Division · Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
Stay above the Cloud and on top of new tech trends with strategic market research & analysis from SIIA's voice in the software industry
Program Management Business Intelligence Strategic Business Alliances Mobile Marketing Integrating Enterprise Saas With Mobile
Carl Jones
Business Owner · Carl Jones
Business Owner at Carl Jones Speaker
Author Ptsd Recovery Change & Uncertainty Change Communication Caveman
Noah Durst
Assistant Professor, Urban & Regional Planning Program · Michigan State University
Expert in urban policy and planning, with a particular emphasis on issues of housing and social equity
Institutional Discrimination Residential Segregation Housing Land Use Regulation Urban Informality
Eric Baumgartner, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President of Academics · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Prior to joining academia, Dr. Eric Baumgartner spent 10 years at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is an expert in higher ed leadership.
Space Exploration Higher Education Robotics and Automation Manufacturing
Messages that do not create positve behavorial change are waste of time. Niether my audiences nor I have time to waste!
Business Career & Personal Succees Marketing & Corporate Strategy International Business and Sales Personal Communications
Mark Johnson
Senior Vice President · Signature Worldwide
Sign on the dotted line to maximize customer loyalty and improve client relationships with Signature Worldwide's SVP
Customer Experience Leadership Sales Strategy Prospecting Negotiating
Shane Gibson
Chief Social Officer & Co-founder · Socialized! Ltd. Social Media Training, Activation and Intelligence
Author of Guerrilla Social Media Marketing, Sociable! and Closing Bigger
Social Media Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Social Media for Sales Organizations
Ernan Roman
President · Ernan Roman Direct Marketing
Marketing thought leader. Innovator in Relationship Marketing and Voice of Customer driven Marketing Best Practices.
Voice of Customer Relationship Research Customer Engagement Social Media & Multichannel Marketing Relationship Marketing Customer Experience Marketing
Iain Lovatt
CEO · Blue Sheep LLP
Marketer obsessed with delivering actionable customer insight for clients
Data Analysis Databases Customer Insight
Laurie McCabe
Co-founder and Partner · SMB Group
Experienced speaker that connects cloud computing, social media, business solutions, etc. to the needs of small and medium businesses
How Smbs Are Using Social Media How Smbs Make Technology-Related Purchasing Decisions Smb Technology Trends Social Media as Smb Tool
Holly Zoba
Senior Vice President of Sales - Hospitality · Signature Worldwide
Hope you like music because customers will be singing your praises after Signature Worldwide's SVP of Hospitality Sales sets up the training
Reputation Management Poor Customer Communication Customer Interactions Social Media and the Sales Person Optimizing Learning Through Distance Training Programs
Stacy Roberts, DBA
Lecturer · Augusta University
Stacy Roberts is an expert in salesmanship, sales marketing, principles of management, organizational behavior, and human resources.
Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Human Resources Marketing Salesmanship and Sales Marketing
Pamela Hongsakul
Leadership Advisor · Hongsakul Media
Pamela Hongsakul is a Leadership & Media Advisor to some of Asia's most dynamic business and political leaders.
Leadership & Diversity The Healing of Our Society Minority and Marginality & the Role of the Media Executive Instincts Public & Private Management Models
Dave Hubbard
Founder · America's Fitness Coach®
Entertaining and unforgettable presentations that inspire audiences to improve the quality of their life!
How to Better Manage Your Body
Peter Zaleski, PhD
Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Peter Zaleski, PhD, specializes in markets, pricing and economic strategy.
Business Business Structure Economic Strategy Markets Pricing
Michael Deaver
Coach, Recruiter, Trainer, Speaker · Michael Deaver Talent Management Coaching & Consulting
Coaching Healthy High Performing Leaders
Communication Technology Executive Recruiting Talent Development Sales Training and Sales Effectiveness Communication Technology and Evaluation
Jeff Zelaya
Public Speaker · Best Public Speaker
Digital Marketing Executive & Public Speaker
Interactive Marketing Strategy Search Advertising Public Speaking Google Adwords Google Analytics
John Elmer
CEO · Bayard Bradford
John Elmer helps B2B companies build a growing sales pipeline using digital marketing, CRM and sales automation.
Sales Digital Marketing & Lead Generation Go-To-Market Strategy Branding & Marketing