Jed McCaleb
CTO and Cofounder · Stellar Develoment Foundation
Recognizing that the world’s financial infrastructure is broken and that too many people are left without resources, I cofounded
Entrepreneur Startup Nonprofit Tech Technology
Derek Buzasi, Ph.D.
Expert in astrophysics, spaceflight and optics · Florida Gulf Coast University
Derek Buzasi's research involves almost anything to do with stars or the sun.
Stars Asteroseismology Nonlinear Dynamics Satellites and Spaceflight Exoplanets
Edward Guinan, PhD
Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.
Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology
Laura Chomiuk
Astronomer · Michigan State University
Laura Chomiuk is an expert of novae and gamma rays.
Astronomy Supernovae Novae Gamma Rays
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
Jonathan Trump, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics · University of Connecticut
Jonathan Trump is an observational astronomer who studies active galaxies
Physics and Astronomy Black Holes Supermassive Black Holes Active Galaxies
Keivan Stassun
Stevenson Professor of Physics and Astronomy · Vanderbilt University
Expert in the search for Earth-like planets across the galaxy and an advocate for diversity, including neurodiversity, in the academy.
Star Formation Planet Formation Astronomy Planetary Systems Astronomical Phenomena
Guido Mueller
Professor · University of Florida
Guido Mueller’s research interests include quantum optics and detectors for axions and axion-like particles.
Space Astrophysics LIGO Gravitational Waves
James Bullock
Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Professor Physical Sciences, Physics & Astronomy · UC Irvine
James Bullock studies how galaxies and their constituent dark matter halos have formed and evolved over billions of years of cosmic time.
Dark Matter Star Formation Astronomy Galaxy Dynamics Physics
Rosanne Dausilio
President · Human Technologies Global Inc
Experienced international speaker known as the 'champion for the human' who streamlines customer service and increases sales.
How to Take the Pulse of Your Company Measure and Improve First Call Resolultion
Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.
Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas
David Weintraub
Professor of Astronomy; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Program in Communication of Science & Technology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in astrophysics who also writes about extraterrestrial life, human space travel and space colonization.
Space colonization Extraterrestrial life Mars colonization Mars Space travel
Peter Sham
Professor of Theatre Arts · Southern Utah University
Specializing in Suzuki movement, directing and producing musical theatre, and character development for actors
Stage Direction Voice and Speech Training Directing Musical Theater Voice Over Producing
Amanda Phalin
Instructional Associate Professor · University of Florida
Amanda Phalin is an expert in global economics and politics, as well as educational technology.
Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights Educational Technology and Pedagogy Environmental Economics Development Economics International Economics
Dr. Adey Nyamathi
Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine
Dr. Nyamathi conducts studies among vulnerable groups, including homeless, drug-addicted and incarcerated persons and gay/bisexual youth.
Vulnerable Populations Tuberculosis Role of Nursing Hiv/Aids Hepatitis
Tiziana Di Matteo
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Tiziana Di Matteo's research focuses on the study of black holes, encompassing a wide range of topics in high energy astrophysics.
High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Space Astrophysics Black Holes
Umesh Ketkar
Lecturer in Systems Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Lean Management & Enterprise Electro-Optical Imaging Spacecraft Design Systems Engineering Aerospace Engineering
John Gizis
Professor, Physics and Astronomy · University of Delaware
Prof. Gizis focuses his research on improving the understanding of stars and brown dwarfs (failed stars).
Brown Dwarfs and Binaries Cool Stars Stars Solar System Cosmology
Rachel Mandelbaum
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Rachel Mandelbaum's research interests are predominantly in the areas of observational cosmology and galaxy studies.
Galaxy Studies Observational Cosmology Astronomical Surveys Space
Jan Smith
CEO · S3, Inc.
Leading Provider of Technical, Training, and SETA Services
technical services training services SETA services