Aimée Eubanks Davis

Founder and CEO ·

Speaks to higher education outcomes, particularly related to job attainment and quality among first-generation and low-income students.

Social and Economic Mobility Higher Education Future of Work Employer/Employee Relations Labor Market

Tyrha Lindsey-Warren, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Dr. Tyrha Lindsey-Warren studies consumer behavior and attitudes, multicultural media & advertising, movies and entertainment

Consumer Attitudes Entertainment Multicultural & Diversity Consumer Behavior Marketing & Advertising

Wayne Elsey

Head Coach/CEO · Elsey Enterprises

Head Coach/CEO of Elsey Enterprises

Public Speaking Public Relations Marketing Strategy Non-Profit Marketing Nonprofit Leadership

Kim SeelingSmith

Director · Kim SeelingSmith

There aren’t many people who can ignite a room like Kim Seeling Smith can, Australia's foremost expert on HR in the social age.

Employee Engagement Employee Retention Recruiting Recruitment Leadership

Ronald Schurin, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Expert in the politics of presidential campaigns

American Politics and Elections Connecticut Politics Electoral Politics American Politics Education Policy

Enrique Gomez

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Enrique Gomez's interests are in supernova, gamma-ray bursts, and late stage stellar outflows.

Cosmic-ray Radiation Late Stage Stellar Outflows Supernova Gamma-ray Bursts Physics Education Research

David Chuss, PhD

Professor and Chair of Physics · Villanova University

David Chuss, PhD, has worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and studies astronomical polarimetry and magnetic fields.

Astrophysical Magnetic Fields Cosmology Astronomical Polarimetry Galactic Center Star Formation

Sarah Gallagher

Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy · University of Western Ontario

Professor Gallagher's research focuses on investigating the nature of winds from luminous quasars

University Education Physics Education Space Astronomy Astrophysics Black Holes

Adrian Gostick

Owner · The Culture Works

Intent on improving your organization, there is no one better than this global thought leader on workplace strategy and employee engagement

Leadership Employee Engagement & Retention Motivation Corporate Culture Human Resources

Chester Elton

Author, Speaker and Consultant · The Culture Works

Let the “apostle of appreciation,” bestselling author Chester Elton inspire your employees to enviable heights of accomplishment

Human Resource Issues Leadership Motivation Peak Performance Workforce Issues

Dutta Satadip

Director of Customer Success, Americas · Google

Google the real thing! Searching for the engine to drive your sales is as easy as contacting Google's Director of Customer Success, Americas

Cloud Computing Product Management Leadership New Market Expansion Global Management

Preston Green, J.D., Ed.D.

John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on charter school regulation and industry oversight.

School Choice Educational Equity Industry Oversight Charter School Regulation Educational Leadership

Keivan Stassun

Stevenson Professor of Physics · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the search for Earth-like planets across the galaxy and an advocate for diversity, including neurodiversity, in the academy.

Astronomical Phenomena

Bonnie Gross

President · SpeechScience International Inc.

Power and Leadership Through Voice

Barbara D. Boyan, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Institute for Engineering and Medicine | B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rice University · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Boyan specializes in cell and tissue engineering

Cell and Tissue Engineering Response of Cells to Biomaterials Mechanisms of Action of Hormones and Growth Factors in Cartilage and Bone Normal and Pathological Calcification Stem Cell Delivery Technologies

Karen Hamberg

Vice President, Strategy · Westport Fuel Systems

Clean-technology and clean transportation executive

Clean Tech Alternative Fuels for Transportation Clean Fuels Policy Decarbonizing the Transportation Sector Heavy-Duty Transportation

Sue Thompson

Resident expert · Exceptionality LLC

Engaging, intelligent coach speaker helping people project a knockout professional presence!

Talent Character Professional Presence Workplace Civility Surviving Tormenting Work Environments

Katherine Whitaker

Associate Professor of Astronomy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kate Whitaker is an observational extragalactic astronomer who studies galaxy formation and evolution at the very edges of the universe.

Detection of Dead Galaxies Galaxy formation and evolution Astronomy

Doug Williams

CEO · Blackberry Records, Inc.

Singer, Songwriter, Music Producer, Motivational Speaker, Artist Development, Music Industry Trainer, Music Panelist

Music Business Motivational Speaking Celebrity Speaker

Mark Greenfield

Web Accessibility Officer - University at Buffalo · ExpertFile

Higher education web professional, consultant, keynote speaker, future, educational technologist

Web Accessibility Usability Web Design Accessibility Mobile Technology