Donald Sull
Professor · London Business School
One of the ten new management gurus you should know--Fortune Magazine
Executing Strategy for Results Thriving in Turbulent Markets Strategy and Execution Simple Rules for A Complex World
Eamon Hoey
Managing Partner · Hoey Associates Management Consultants Inc.
How do organizations capture opportunity created by the unequaled, violent, global, tectonic transformation in our world order?
Change Management Business Transformation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competitive Analysis Culture Change
Zoe Cairns
Social Media Trainer / Social Media Speaker / Social Media Strategist / Social Media Speaker · ZC Social Media
Social Media Strategist / Social Media Trainer / Social Media International Speaker/ Social Media Speaker
Social Media Strategy Success Twitter for Business Mastering Linkedin
Randy Kun
Director Marketing and Communications · InventionShare
Randy Kun is a seasoned professional in product management, marketing, strategy and execution.
Product and Marketing Strategy Product Management Market Positioning and Messaging
Pierre Villeneuve
Founder & General Partner · Equity Management Partners, LLC
Pierre Villeneuve is an expert in the startup world, bringing technology and entrepreneurial leadership to investing and advisory roles.
Telecommunications Semiconductors Industrial Process Analysis Venture Capitalism Startups
Mike Simonetto
Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP
A deal at any price! You'll always be ahead of the competition when consulting with Deloitt LLP's pricing strategy and execution expert
Price Optimization Profitability Management Pricing Strategy Logistics Management Process Optimization
Sudhakar Immanuel Prabu
Strategy & Execution Consulting | Organization Performance Improvement Consulting | Leadership Development | Executive Coaching · LEADWELLx - Break-Through Performance. Always.
Executive Coaching. Break-Through Performance Consulting. Organization Building Consulting. Leadership Development Consulting.
Leadership Coaching Organization Resilience Organization Break-Through Performance Leadership Development Agile Organization
Rochelle Webb, MBA
Clinical Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Academic Director, MELM
Entrepreneurship Marketing & Branding
Julie Roehm
Marketing Consultant · Backslash Meta, LLC
Former CMO of the world's largest companies, consulting to VC's start-ups, and other Fortune 500 companies dynamically speaks on the future,
Overcoming Fear in the Workplace Marketing Strategies in an Ever Changing World Maximizing the Output of Client Agency and Media
Bridget Ross
CEO · ChroniSense Medical
Bridget Ross is a medical devices and pharmaceutical industry expert offering strategic advice and cross-functional team leadership.
Business Strategy Commercialization General Surgery Urology Digital Health