Bryan Koenig

Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in social and evolutionary psychology

Social Relationships Statistics Social Psychology Research Methods Moral Psychology

Suzanne Sumner

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Suzanne Sumner is a Professor of mathematics at University of Mary Washington.

Mathematics Dynamical Systems Teaching Innovation Interdisciplinary Education

Cheryl Carleton, PhD

Associate Professor of Economics; Director of the Villanova Women's Professional Network| Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Cheryl Carleton, PhD, is an expert in labor economics and women in the workforce.

Business Unemployment Women in the Workforce Labor Economics Microeconomics

Michael Pagano, PhD

The Robert J. and Mary Ellen Darretta Endowed Chair in Finance, Professor, Finance & Real Estate | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Michael Pagano, PhD, is an expert on financial institutions, financial markets, risk management, investments, and international finance.

Business Financial Markets Valuation Risk Management Mutual Funds

Jacqueline Murray

3M National Teaching Fellow / Professor of History · University of Guelph

Expert in the history of contemporary sex and gender. An award winning professor and expert on how to improve teaching and student success.

Medieval and Early Modern History Women and Gender Studies Pedagogy in Higher Education Student Learning Outcomes

Shawn Howton, PhD

Faculty Director, The Daniel M. DiLella Center for Real Estate; Professor of Finance | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Shawn Howton, PhD, is an expert in commercial real estate.

Business Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Mortgage Backed Securities Fixed Income Markets

Mary Kelly, PhD

Associate Chair and Teaching Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Mary Kelly, PhD, is an expert in economics, cable and the telecommunications industry

Comcast Job Satisfaction Public Policy Telecommunication Industrial Organization and Regulation

Madhu Viswanathan, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Director, D.K. Kim Foundation Business for Good Program

Sustainability Subsistence Marketplaces Marketing Research Methods and Measurement

Ken Holstein

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Ken Holstein's research focuses broadly on AI-augmented work and improving how we design and evaluate AI systems for real-world use.

Elections Intelligence Augmentation Applied Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction

Aidin Namin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Marketing Analytics Data Analytics Modeling Econometrics Retailing

Linda Pescatello, Ph.D., FACSM, FAHA

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Pescatello specializes in exercise prescription for health benefit

Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Complementary and Alternative Exercise Exercise Genomics Exercise Prescription

Julie Pirsch, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Teaching and Programs; Associate Faculty Director, Center for Marketing & Consumer Insights; Teaching Professor, Marketing & Business Law | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Julie Pirsch, PhD, is an expert in product marketing, new product development, and innovating teaching and learning.

Business Product Marketing Career Preparation Marketing Experiential Teaching Methods

Peter Adams

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Peter Adams' research largely focuses on the development of chemical transport models and their application to decision-making.

Air Quality Aerosols Regional Air Quality Modeling Aerosol Effects on Climate Atmospheric Particulate Matter

Dr Oliver Robinson

Associate Professor in Psychology · University of Greenwich

His research focuses on the relation between life transitions, crises and changes in personality and mental health.

Well-Being Transitions Mid Life Crisis Life Change Later-life Crisis

Erin Cassese

Professor, Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware

Dr. Cassese explores the behavior of women as voters and candidates for political office in the United States.

Women Voters Elections Gender Stereotypes Political Psychology Public Opinion

Lawrence Husick

Sr. Fellow · Foreign Policy Research Institute

Experience, dynamic, humorous and knowledgable on a stunningly wide range of topics.

Cyberwar Cyberterrorism Cybercrime. Innovation History and Practice.

Wen Gu

Associate Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Integrating innovative technology and practices into business education. Helps business students communicate and make decisions with data.

Decision Analysis Data Analytics in IT and Operations Operations and Marketing Interface Product Lifecycle Management Green Product Design

Mark A. Boyer, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Mark A. Boyer studies environmental policy and global-local linkages. His research focuses on climate adaptation from global to local.

Simulation and Experimental Methods Climate Change Global-Local Linkages Globalization Environmental Policy