Kate McInturff
Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Kate McInturff is director of the CCPA's initiative on gender equality and public policy, Making Women Count.
Gender Equality Policy Analysis Family policy Labour Economics Budget and Tax Policy
Josh Hinds
Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur · joshhinds.com
Life Change Strategist, Speaker and the Author of "It's Your Life, LIVE BIG" and Why Perfect Timing is a Myth.
Entrepreneurship Personal Development Executive Coaching Life Coaching Leadership Development
Joseph F. Coughlin
Director, MIT AgeLab · Massachusetts Institute of Technology
You're not getting older, you're getting better! MIT's AgeLab Director explains how changing demographics will impact business & government
Aging Social Innovation Gerontology New Technology Understanding the Impact of Place On Well-Being
S. E. Day
The Graceful Negotiator & Personal Finance Expert · The Legally Steal Show, Inc / S.E. Day & Associates
Give me 60 minutes! I will have your audience closing more deals even when their clients don't want to purchase!
The Graceful Art of Negotiations Sales Motivation Leadership Under Fire Leadership Synergies Women in Business
Mike Margolies
Mental Coach, Sport Psychology Consultant, Author and Public Speaker, Radio Host · The Mental Game
Want to build a better team that performs under pressure? Let Mike Margolies show you the Game within the Game!
Emotional Intelligence Mental Toughness Sport Psychology Mental Training in Business & Sports Team Building
Neil McEvoy
Founder and CEO · Cloud Best Practices Network
Founder of the Cloud Best Practices Network
Cloud Computing Business Transformation
John Renesch
author, futurist · The Great Growing Up
Senior, experienced global expert on large scale social and organizational transformation.
Bringing Consciousness to Large Scale Social Change Consciousness Conscious Evolution Paradigm Change Paradigm Shifts
Dr. Eric Leuthardt
Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery and Biomedical Engineering · Movable Type Management
Who needs hands anyway! Researcher advancing neuroprosthetics is developing medical devices and brain–computer interface technologies
Brain Computer Interfaces Neural Technologies Brain 2.0 Neuroprosthetics Innovation
Rahul Tongia
Adjunct Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Rahul Tongia's research focuses on infrastructure and technology for sustainable development.
Smart Grids Sustainable Energy Technology Underserved Populations Economics Policy
Eric Jackson, Ph.D.
Executive Director, CTI, and Director, CTSRC · University of Connecticut
Eric Jackson researches driver behavior and vehicle impacts on transportation safety
Autonomous Vehicles Safety data integration and analysis Transportation Data Systems Web-based data collection, distributuon, and analysis Remote sensing and geographic information systems
Erin Baker
Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Faculty Director of the Energy Transition Institute · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Erin Baker informs policymakers on energy technology in the face of climate change.
Sustainability equity Energy equity Environmental equity Energy Economics and Policy Wind Energy
Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.
Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics
Kent Wise
Biblical Success Coach and Anti-Bullying and Self Esteem Expert · Wise Enterprises
Kent Wise - Award Winning Inspirational Speaker and Founder of the S.T.O.P. Anti- Bullying and Self Esteem Program
Michelle Lobchuk
Associate Professor · Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Nursing, University of Manitoba
Empathic understanding of our partners in care - Family Carers in Canada
Empathy Perceptual understanding Video-feedback Caregiving Family Caregiving
Zhishuo (Peter) Liu
Co-Founder & President · China Canada Angels Alliance
China Canada Angels Alliance
Angel Investing Mobile Startup Acceleration Doing Business in China Gaming and Mobile Technology
Lisa de Wilde
CEO of Ontario's public educational media organization believes in the power of media to engage, to inform and to serve the public good
Telecommunications in Canada Public Broadcasting Education and the Media Mulit-Platform Educational Content Public Television and the Media Landscape
Esther Lim
CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC
Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment
Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification
Chris MM Gordon
Director · CEO Irish Social Enterprise Network, MC
Chris Gordon; a starter, business and social entrepreneur
Social Enterprise Cooperative Social Innovation
Joantxo Llantada
promotion executive · Think Tank Travel
Marketer, digital storyteller, social media strategist, tourist trends @ DMO Land of Valencia, Spain.
Social Media Transmedia Storytelling Destination Marketing Leissure and Hospitality Marketing Strategy
Michael Carriere, Ph.D.
Professor, Director, Honors Program · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Michael Carriere is an urban historian, with expertise in American history, urban studies and sustainability.
Sustainability American History General Social Science Honors Program History