Esther Lim

CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC

Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment

Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification

Dr Martin Fletcher

Senior Research Fellow · Leeds Beckett

Martin Fletcher has expertise in building performance evaluation.

Building Performance Renewable Energy

Leah Newman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Leah Newman's research interests include industrial engineering and engineering education.

Ergonomics and Inclusive Design Research Engineering Industrial Engineering Data Analysis

Rachel Mandelbaum

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rachel Mandelbaum's research interests are predominantly in the areas of observational cosmology and galaxy studies.

Galaxy Studies Observational Cosmology Astronomical Surveys Space

Peter Weyand

Professor & Chair of Kinesiology; Director of the Locomotor Performance Lab · Texas Christian University

Peter Weyand is an internationally renowned biomechanist and physiologist.

Human Speed Human Performance Physical Performance Biomechanics Locomotion

Mary Simoni

Dean, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences & Professor, Arts · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Works as a leading composer, author, teacher, pianist, and arts administrator

Sound Synthesis Interactive Electronics Music Education Music Theory Music Composition

Jodi Bruhn

Director / Directrice · Stratéjuste

Jodi Bruhn is a published policy researcher, author and facilitator specializing in governance and indigenous/Crown relations.

Aboriginal Justice Governance Workshop Facilitation Political Science Public Service

Dana Cupkova

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Dana Cupkova is a co-founder and design director of EPIPHYTE Lab, an architectural design and research collaborative.

Advanced Manufacturing Architecture Energy Sustainability Computational Design

Verena Seufert

Postdoctoral Fellow · University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Scientist interested in all things food and nature. Studying how we can do agriculture better.

Sustainability organic agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Change

Deborah Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Bolnick is an expert on genetic ancestry testing and how sociopolitical forces & history shape human genomic diversity.

Native American Genetic Histories Human Biodiversity Genetic Ancestry Testing Anthropology Ancient DNA

Michael Nowatkowski, PhD

Professor; Director, AU Cyber Institute · Augusta University

A leading cybersecurity expert available to discuss online security, ransomware, and device security topics.

Hardware and Embedded Systems Cellular and Mobile Technology Defensive Cyber Operations Cyber Operations Education TCP/IP Protocol Analysis

Tony Pellegrini

Department Chair of Teacher Education/Professor of Education · Southern Utah University

Specializing in online learning strategies in higher education, asynchronous learning, and web-based instructional tools

Information and Technology in Education Family and Parent Involvement in Education Higher Education Leadership Online Learning Strategies in Higher Education Higher Education

Jorge Cortes, MD

Director, Georgia Cancer Center · Augusta University

Jorge Cortes is a clinical investigator who has helped research and develop multiple treatment options for chronic myeloid leukemia.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Acute Myeloid Leukemia Blood and Bone Marrow Transplants Cancer Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Alicia Walf

Senior Lecturer, Cognitive Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Neuroscientist with extensive research into body, brain, and mind relationships related to brain health, social cognition and emotions.

Brain Health Emotion Memory Neuroplasticity Well-Being

Michael Lewis

Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School All Things Fandom and Sports Analytics

Revenue Management & Dynamic Pricing Customer Relationship Management Sports Analytics Sports Marketing Fandom

Eric Rignot

Distinguished Professor and Chair, Earth System Science · UC Irvine

Dr. Rignot works to understand the interactions of glaciers and climate and what effects they will have on global sea levels.

Ice Sheet Dynamics and Mass Balance Climate Change Glaciology Radar

Melissa Melough

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Melough studies the interrelationships of nutritional and environmental factors influencing human health.

Nutrition Epidemiology Public Health Molecular Epidemiology Cancer Epidemiology

Melissa Bemiller, PhD

Associate Professor of Social Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. Bemiller's research focuses on violent victimization: homicide, sex crimes, and portrayals of violence in mass media.

Sex Crimes Child Abuse Homicide Violent Victimization Portrayals of Violence in Mass Media

Sridhar Tayur

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Sridhar Tayur's research interests involve quantum computing, health care operations and supply chain management

Quantum Computing Healthcare Operations Supply Chain Management

Narayana Kocherlakota

Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics · University of Rochester

Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics

Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments