Prabhat Mishra
Professor · University of Florida
Prabhat Mishra's research focuses on design and verification of energy-efficient and trustworthy electronic systems.
Computer Architecture Hardware Verification Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Quantum Computing
Leon Davies
Professor of Optometry & Physiological Optics · Aston University
Professor Davies's research is focused on presbyopia and the restoration of ocular accommodation to the ageing eye.
Visual Function Following Stroke Ophthalmic Instrumentation Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology Presbyopia Ocular Accommodation
Kui Xie
Chairperson and Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education · Michigan State University
Kui Xie's research investigates areas related to motivation and engagement in digital learning.
Digital Learning Educational Technology Artificial Intelligence Motivation
Sambeeta Das
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Das’s research spans robotics, autonomous systems, physics, organic chemistry and materials engineering.
Biomechanical Engineering Clean Energy & Environment Materials Engineering Biomechanics Fluid Mechanics
Brandi Simonsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Educational Psychology, Co-Director of Center for Behavioral Education and Research · University of Connecticut
Professor Simonsen is an expert in school, classroom, and student positive behavioral interventions and supports.
School Discipline Student Behavior Seclusion Behavioral Intervention Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Patricia Pereira
Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida
Patricia Pereira has been the associate dean for Academic Affairs for the UF College of Dentistry since Fall 2019.
Operative and Esthetics Dentistry Prosthodontics Dental Education Dentistry Advanced Dental Education
S. Megan Berthold, Ph.D., LCSW
Associate Professor and Director of Field Education · University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Prof. Berthold's clinical and research expertise is with refugee and asylum seeking survivors of torture and the Cambodian genocide.
Trauma and Recovery refugees and asylum seekers vicarious trauma and resilience human rights approach to social work co-ocurring health and mental health conditions post torture and genocide
M. Eric Benbow
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Insect - Microbe interactions in aquatic ecology, forensics, and human health.
Forensic Sciences Infectious Disease Ecology Aquatic Entomology Aquatic Ecology Microbial Ecology
Bjoern Hamberger
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry · Michigan State University
Hamberger's research focuses on the discovery of plant pathways for bioactive diterpenoids found in medicinal plant species.
Synthetic Biology Plant Specialized Metabolites Terpenes
Dr. Ilse Treurnicht
This extraordinary CEO and Rhodes Scholar leads an organization dedicated to developing the next generation of Canadian growth companies
Venture Capital Management Advanced Technologies Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship & Innovation Innovation & Economic Development
David Lubinski
Professor of Psychology and Human Development; Co-Director, Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY); Investigator, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development · Vanderbilt University
An expert who co-leads the foremost longitudinal study of gifted individuals in the world.
Psychology Gifted Learners Gifted Children Creativity Learning
David Arsen
Professor · Michigan State University
Professor Arsen's research focuses on school finance, school choice policies, and education governance
Education Policy School Facilities School Finance School Choice Governance
Professor Paul Gately
Carnegie Professor of Exercise and Obesity and Co-Director of the Applied Centre for Obesity Research · Leeds Beckett University
His main research interest is in childhood obesity - and the treatment strategies for obesity across all age ranges.
Eating Disorders Exercise Treatment of Obesity Childhood Obesity Weight Loss
Omar Rodríguez-Vilá
Professor in the Practice of Marketing; Academic Director of Education, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Educator and scholar on modern marketing practices including how sustainability and technology have changed the pursuit of firm growth.
Marketing Strategy Sustainability Social Purpose Modern Marketing Marketing Capabilities
Yu-kai Chou
CEO · RewardMe
Rated a Top 20 Gamification Guru. Regular Speaker/Lecturer at Stanford, Google etc on Gamification and Social Media.
Restaurant and Retail Marketing Gamification
Rebecca West
Owner, Designer · Rivalee Design
Enthusiastic speaker motivating women to embrace change in their homes and in their lives.
Women Nesting Sanctuary Fear Divorce
Paul Clifford
Organisational Psychologist · FBG Group
Experienced, informative and engaging speaker who is an expert in helping organisations create solutions to improve performance
Building Employee and Organisational Resilience Strategic Employee Wellbeing Being A Leader With A Difference Recruiting With the End in Mind How to Influence Successfully
Karen Ward
Founder + Managing Partner · Curiosity Inc.
Dynamic speaker that connects the power and importance of curiosity to leadership, innovation and growth.
The Curiosity Crisis: the Truth About A World Without Wonder Curiosity as the Engine of Growth
Ofer Sharone
Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ofer Sharone is a nationally recognized expert on unemployment, work and career transitions.
Unemployment Career Transitions Sociology of Work Sociology of Aspirations American Society
Vicki J. Magley, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Magley researches sexual harassment coping at individual and organizational levels
Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Prevention Workplace Civility Occupational Health, Gender and Stress Sexual Harassment Coping at Individual and Organizational Levels