Sara Seager
Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.
Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition
Pamela Grothe
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.
Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology
Tanya Harrison
Fellow · Outer Space Institute
Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.
Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers
Sara Harris
Professor of Teaching, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences · University of British Columbia
Sara Harris's current research explores how people learn climate science.
Science Education Climate Change Energy Systems and Public Policy University Teaching Public Speaking
Christine Hatch
UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,
Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change
Saleem Ali
Professor of Energy and the Environment Geography and Spatial Sciences; Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware
Prof. Ali's research examines the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts.
Environmental Health Environmental Policy Environmental Planning Health and Safety
James Randerson
Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine
James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.
Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
Matt Schrenk
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Matt Schrenk's research focuses on the diversity, distribution, and activities of microorganisms in the deep subsurface biosphere.
Environmental Sciences Hydrogen
Harry Reis
Professor of Psychology and Dean's Professor in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering · University of Rochester
Professor Harry Reis' research interests involve social interaction and close relationships.
Marriage and Close Relationships Health and Psychological Well Being Social interaction Intimacy Emotion Regulation
Frank M. LaFerla
Chancellor’s Professor and Dean · UC Irvine
Frank M. LaFerla,Ph.D.,is the dean of the UCI School of Biological Sciences.His research focuses on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Learning and Memory Alzheimer's Disease Molecular Biology Neurodegenerative disorders
Jessica Warren
Professor, Earth Science · University of Delaware
Dr. Warren's research focuses on plate tectonics and mantle dynamics.
Plate Tectonics Rheology Mantle Geochemistry Peridotites
Andrea Grottoli
Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University
Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions
Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry
Karyn Rogers
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Focuses on the relationships between microbial communities and environmental conditions in extreme ecosystems
Geobiology Geological & Environmental Sciences Geochemistry Geomicrobiology Astrobiology
Rachael Seidler
Professor · University of Florida
Rachael Seidler researches the neural control of movement in health and disease, with a specific focus on motor learning.
Space Parkinson's Cognitive Ageing Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroplasticity
Cristina L. Archer
Professor, Geography and Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Archer's research interests include: renewable energy, wind power, climate change, and numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.
Air Quality Wind Power Renewable Energy Meteorology Climate Change
Jane Caputi, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.
Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism
Rodrigo Vargas
Professor, Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change · University of Delaware
Prof. Vargas’ work focuses on global environmental change, nature-based solutions, and environmental data science.
Climate Change Environmental Data Science Blue Carbon Nature-based Solutions Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere
Edward Guinan, PhD
Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.
Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology
Di Yang
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Di Yang is an expert in remote sensing and geospatial AI, integrating citizen science and Earth observation for environmental monitoring.
Forest Management Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) Cloud-based Geospatial Computing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Geospatial Applications Remote Sensing