Professor Susan Watkins

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Professor Susan Watkins is an expert in contemporary women's fiction and feminist theory.

Contemporary Women's Dystopian and Apocalyptic Fiction Doris Lessing Gender Culture Ageing

Edward Murphy

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Edward Murphy is an expert on mass urbanization, inequality, state formation, and squatting in Chile; Latinx immigration and deportations

Latinxs in the US Squatting Urbanization Property Relations Latin America

Nigel Raab

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Theories of Civil Society Habermas 19th Century Russia Urban History Global Encounters

Scott Munro

Department Chair, Professor of Engineering · Southern Utah University

Specializing in aerocoustics flow sound interaction and induced vibrations, propagation, and aerospace technologies

Thermocouples Hot-wire Anemometers Compressible Flow Viscous Flow Vibration Measurements and Instrumentation

Nicholas Canfield Read Brown

Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Bioethics - Minor · Loyola Marymount University

The Bioethics Institute Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Alicia Domack, Ph.D.

Department Chair and Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Alicia Domack has a research background in cognition, learning and development.

Learning and Development Educational Psychology Cognition

Jocelyn Thorpe

Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies Program · University of Manitoba

Professor Thorpe explores the history and legacies of colonialism in the Canadian context

Critical Race Theory Feminism Environmental Studies Colonialism Social Inequality

Dexter Gabriel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of History · University of Connecticut

Dexter Gabriel's research interests include the history of slavery, resistance, and freedom in the Black Atlantic.

Abolition and Emancipation Slavery in Popular Culture Slavery Black Atlantic

Divya Victor

Associate Professor of Literary Studies · Michigan State University

Divya Victor’s writing, editing, and research focuses on 20th century, 21st century, and emergent poetry and poetics.

Poetics Emergent Poetry 21st Century Poetry 20th Century Poetry

Brenda Elsey

Professor of History · Hofstra University

Specialist in Popular Culture and Politics, as well as Gender and Sports, in Twentieth Century Latin America.

Latin American Culture Latin American Politics Sports in Latin America Gender Studies

Simon DeDeo

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Simon DeDeo conducts empirical investigations, and builds mathematical theories, of both historical and contemporary phenomena.

Theoretical Physics Social and Decision Sciences Artificial Intelligence Astrophysics Applied Mathematics

Gregory Jones

Teaching Fellow · Loyola Marymount University

MFA Teaching Fellow, Performance Pedagogy

Speech and Accents, Shakespeare, Improvisation, Visual Gestural Communication

Becky Bloom

Assistant Director of Curatorial Affairs · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Art History, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist material culture, and issues surrounding the intersection of religion and museums.

Tibetan Buddhism Modern & Classic Tibetan History of Art Non-Western Art Museum Curation

Connie Russell

Professor · Lakehead University

Author, researcher, teacher with expertise in environmental and social justice education

Weight-Based Oppression & Size Discrimination Environmental Education Social Justice Education Wildlife Tourism Animals and Education

Sally Scholz, PhD

Professor of Philosophy | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Expert on solidarity, ethics/social movements, violence against women, Just War Theory and Catholic Social Thought (esp. women, war, work).

Catholic Social Thought Violence Against Women Ethics Solidarity Social Movements

Daniel Smith-Christopher

Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Old Testament Studies Old Testament Theology Religion and Peace Nonviolence Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Bible and Indigenous Christianity Postcolonial Interpretation of Bible

Carlos Moffat

Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.

ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions

Dawn Bazely

Professor, Department of Biology · York University

#YorkU Biology professor. Collaborative, interdisciplinary researcher & award-winning teacher. Past #YorkU Sustainability Inst Director.

Animal Behaviour Arctic Affairs Climate Change Curriculum Design & Development Ecology

Joseph G Dreiss

Professor of Art and Art History · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Dreiss is the founder of the digital media lab.

Art History Art Criticism Contemporary Art Digital Imaging Web Production

Jean Boreen

Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences · Southern Utah University

Dr. Boreen is a strong advocate for the humanities and social sciences with two decades of higher education service.

Leadership in Higher Education Historical Fiction Young Adult Literature Methods of Teaching Literature in Secondary Schools Mentoring