Tanya Harrison

Fellow · Outer Space Institute

Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.

Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers

Barbara Roche Rico

Professor Emeritus · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts


Yanjie Wang

Associate Professor of Asian and Asian American Studies; Coordinator for the Asian and Pacific Studies Program · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Displacement and Migration Gender and Sexuality Ethnic Minorities Trauma and Violence Ecocinema

Dr Benz Kotzen

Associate Professor in Landscape Design · University of Greenwich

Dr Kotzen is a chartered landscape architect with more than 30 years’ experience as a consultant and a researcher.

Environmental Noise Green Roofs Plants Landscape Design Arid and Desert Landscapes

Chad Post

Publisher, Open Letter Books · University of Rochester

Chad Post is publisher of the University's nonprofit, literary translation press, Open Letter Books, and an expert on literary translation

Literary Translation Academic Publishing World Literature

Alicia Partnoy

Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Writing and Political Repression Testimonio Women Writers Social Semiotics Contemporary Latin American Literature

Suki John

Professor · Texas Christian University

Suki John is an expert in diversity, social justice, classical modern dance, dance history and art activism.

Feminism and the Arts Diversity Cuban Culture Cuban Modern Dance Dance History

Richard L. Gilbert

Professor Emeritus of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Psychology and New Digital Technologies Cyberpsychology Virtual Reality Lifespan Human Development

Alex John London

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alex John London’s work focuses on ethical and policy issues surrounding novel technologies in medicine.

Elections Responsible AI Bioethics AI Ethics

Sylvie Grosjean

Professeur Agrégée · Université d'Ottawa

Communication organisationnelle. Travaille sur l'implantation des systèmes d'information médicaux, la télémédecine et télésanté.

Organizational Communication Information and communication technology (ICT) Medical Information Systems Organizational Learning Collective decision-making

Rupert Bourne

Professor of Ophthalmology · Anglia Ruskin University

Rupert Bourne is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals and Director of Cambridge Eye Research Centre.

Glaucoma Treatments Glaucoma Ophthalmology Vision Health Eyes

Sofie Sandell

Speaker, author and writer · www.SofieSandell.com

Social media, digital media & creativity in business speaker

Creativity Digital Leadership Social Media

Katherine Dennis

Public Program Coordinator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Katherine Dennis is the recipient of the 2013 Middlebrook Prize.

Curating Museum Collections Art History Public Art Art Education

Jongwoo Jeremy Kim

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Jongwoo Jeremy Kim is a specialist of modern and contemporary art addressing issues concerning gender, race and sexuality.

Male Bodies Contemporary Art Gender, Race, & Sexuality Modern Art

Andrew Sills

Professor of Mathematics · Georgia Southern University

Andrew Sills specializes in number theory and combinatorics and currently leads the computational sciences group in COSM.

Combinatorics Number Theory

Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Cooperman's expertise focuses on women in politics.

Women and Politics American Politics Congress

Hans M. Hirschi

Founder & Partner · Yāree AB

Exceptional personality with a passion for communication, leadership, learning & development across cultures

Common Sense Communication Cross-Cultural Learning Development

Ender Yuksel

Postdoctoral Researcher · Technical University of Denmark

Researcher, Computer Scientist

Security Verification Sensors

Professor Mark Fielder

Professor of Medical Microbiology · Kingston University

His work explores the nature of viruses, antimicrobial resistance, and public perceptions of vaccines and antibiotics.

Animal-Human Disease Transfer Vaccines Viruses Microbiology Antibiotics

Christopher Letchford

Professor & Department Head, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Studies wind flows through, and loads upon, the built environment.

Climate Impacts on Wind Loads Environmental Wind Flows Wind Climatology Wind-Structure Interaction Bluff-Body Aerodynamics