Jessica Vapnek

Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law


Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law

Mitch Lieberman

Vice President, Market Strategy · Comity Technology Advisors

A passionate speaker, focusing on the intersection of Customer Experience, Customer Service Experience and CRM (often called Social CRM)

Social Crm Customer Service Excellence Multi-Channel Customer Service

Peter Christensen

Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester

Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.

Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History

John White, Ph.D.

Harold and Dottie Riley Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Dottie Riley Director of the Sports Chaplaincy/Ministry Program · Baylor University

An expert in Theological Ethics/Moral Theology, Constructive Theology, Theology of Culture, and Christianity and Sports.

Christianity and Sports Constructive Theology Theological Ethics Moral Theology Theology of Culture

Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.

Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut

Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction

Feminism Abolition Slavery

Paulo Verardi, Ph.D.

Department Head and Associate Professor of Virology and Vaccinology · University of Connecticut

Expert on vaccine development & virology (Smallpox, Rinderpest, Zika, coronaviruses, Rift Valley, Powassan, SFTSV, Heartland, & more)

COVID-19 Mosquito-borne Diseases Tick-borne Diseases Zika Smallpox

Raf Keustermans

Co-Founder, CEO · Plumbee

Co-Founder, CEO at Plumbee

Social Games Social Gambling/Social Casino Gamification Mobile Gaming

Karen Schulman Dupuis

Business Designer

Business Designer. Connector. Shift Disturber. Intrapreneur. Speaker. Teacher. Elephant Hunter. Feminist. FSE.

Marketing Communications Program Management Social Business Customer Engagement Community Management Learning and Development Strategies

David Ciccarelli

Chief Executive Officer · Voices

David Ciccarelli is the CEO and founder of Lake

Corporate Culture Start Up Start Up Business Start Up Companies Product

Dr Elisabeth Schimpfössl

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Schimpfössl's research interests are the sociology of elites as well as power and social inequality.

Philanthropy Social Inequality Sociology Elites Russia

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Professor of International Studies · Cedarville University

Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

International Terrorism Domestic Terrorism International Relations Brexit

Suraj Sodha

Internet Marketer · Internet Marketing Highway

Internet Marketing Speaker

Internet Marketing Blogging SEO

Jerry Michalski

Founder · REX

Deep, different perspective on change and innovation

Lateral Thinking Futurist Strategy Development Social Enterprise Innovation

Lynn Gehl

Indigenous/Indigenist Cultural Critic, Writer, Author · Independent

Indigenist Cultural Critic

Sex-Discrimination in the Indian Act Treaty and Land Claims Process Indigenous Knowledge Algonquin Anishinaabeg Indigenous Affairs

Stephen Hanna

Professor of Geography · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Hanna's research in cultural geography explores how our pasts are represented in monuments and museums.

Cartography and GIS Southern plantation museums Confederate memorials Cartography Geographic Information Systems (Gis)

David Menachof, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

David Menachof is an expert in supply chain logistics and distribution.

Global Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Security and Risk Logistics and Transportation Liner Shipping and Containerization Business Process Improvement

Dr Ahmad Beltagui

Senior Lecturer · Aston University

Dr Beltagui is an experienced researcher with expertise in Advanced Services, Innovation & Design Management and 3D Printing.

Manufacturing Management Innovation 3d Printing Services

Elizabeth Schrader Polczer

Assistant Professor of New Testament · Villanova University

Dr. Schrader Polczer is a scholar of New Testament and Early Christianity who focuses on the Gospels, Mary Magdalene, and textual criticism.

Mary Magdalene Manuscripts of the Gospels New Testament Early Christianity Gospel Women

Murray Newlands

CEO · Influence People

Social media and marketing expert and author Murray Newlands

Social Media Marketing Blogger Relations Public Relations Online Marketing

Carl Rollyson

Professor of Journalism · Baruch College, The City University of New York

Professor of Journalism at Baruch College, The City University of New York

Marketing Quality Work