Christopher Key Chapple
Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology, and Director, Master of Arts in Yoga Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Sanskrit Literature Samkhya Philosophy Yoga Jainism Buddhism
Aileen Anderson
Director of the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center · UC Irvine
Dr. Anderson is an expert on stem cell research, with a focus on spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.
Glioblastoma Stem Cell Biology Stem Cell Research Spinal Cord Injury
Don Duval
Chief Executive Officer · NORCAT
Experienced, dynamic, and engaging speaker on an array of topics related to innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship
Turnaround Strategies Entrepreneurship Academic Research Commercialization
Ruth McClelland-Nugent, PhD
Chair History, Anthropology & Philosophy · Augusta University
Dr. Ruth McClelland-Nugent focuses on gender and politics in popular culture. Fields in US, Canadian, and British history.
Popular Culture Wonder Woman Gender Women 20th Century
Robert Fuller, M.D., FACEP
UConn Health Chairman of Emergency Medicine · University of Connecticut
Fuller has responded to nations battered by natural and manmade disasters -New York after 9/11, Haiti ; Philippines after a typhoon.
Coronavirus Efficiency of Emergency Services International Disaster Medical Response Emergency Medical Care Natural Disasters
Michael Carriere, Ph.D.
Professor, Director, Honors Program · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Michael Carriere is an urban historian, with expertise in American history, urban studies and sustainability.
Sustainability American History General Social Science Honors Program History
Professor Viren Swami
Professor of Social Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University
His research focuses on the psychology of body image, human appearance, and attraction in relationships.
Impact of Nature on Healthy Living Tattoos Body Image Psychology of Attraction Relationships
Duncan Baker-Brown
Senior Lecturer in Architecture · University of Brighton
His work focuses on sustainable design of buildings and the re-use of existing materials.
Climate Change Recycling of Materials in Buildings Architecture Sustainable Design Social Housing
Matthew Hughey, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut
A scholar of racism and racial inequality in identity formation, organizations, media, politics, science, religion, and public advocacy.
Religion Fraternities and Sororities Organizations Whiteness Media
Charli Carpenter
Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.
International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War
Lee Jackson
Motivational Speaker, Powerpoint Surgeon, Presentation Coach, Author ·
Motivational Speaker on holistic success (in business and education), Powerpoint Surgeon, Presentation Coach, Author
Motivational Powerpoint Slides Success
Nicholas Valerio
Professor in the Practice of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Financial Markets Financial Asset Pricing Investment Management Quantitative Equity Investing Derivative Financial Assets
James Costa
Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University
Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.
Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology
Dionne O’Dell
Program Director, Department of Theatre · Michigan State University
Dionne O’Dell specializes in teaching Children’s Theatre, and writing and directing plays for youth and community.
Theatre Direction Stage Production Entertainment Film
John Covach
Professor of Music and Director of the Institute for Popular Music; Professor of Theory at Eastman School of Music · University of Rochester
John Covach is an expert on the history of popular and rock music, 12-tone music, and the philosophy and aesthetics of music.
Rock 'n' Roll Music and Culture Progressive Rock in the 1970s The Beatles Popular Music
Walter Arlen
Professor Emeritus of Music · Loyola Marymount University
Musical Criticism Classical Music Composing
Edie Dullaghan
Head, Target Validation · Centre for Drug Research and Development
Striving for excellence through mentoring people and by fostering creative/critical thinking,
Drug Development Infectious Disease Biology Molecular Genetics of Gene Expression Immunohistochemistry Antibiotic development
Talyn Rahman-Figueroa
CEO · Grassroot Diplomat
International diplomat making diplomacy accessible to everyone.
International Relations Diplomacy Public Diplomacy Foreign Affairs
Noam Kostucki
Founder · Redefine Us
Author, Speaker, Business Trainer and Executive Coach
Perception and Important Business Decisions The Role of Social Media / Digital Innovation At Board Level How to Build Relations Face to Face How to Create In-Demand Products & Services Success of Failure
M.V. Lee Badgett
Professor Emeritx of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst
M. V. Lee Badgett is one of the world’s leading experts on the economics of same-sex marriage.
Economics of Sexual Orientation and Same-Sex Marriage Gay Marriage LGBT Inclusion Labor Economics Same-sex Couples