Phillip Warsaw

Assistant Professor of Ecological Economics and Environmental Justice · Michigan State University

Phillip Warsaw's research takes an interdisciplinary approach to environmental justice, economic development, and sustainability.

Racial Capitalism Economic Development Environmental Justice Sustainability

Andrea Korney

Vice President of Sustainability · J.S. Held LLC

Department of Energy Ambassador | Sustainability Thought Leader | Carbon Management Consultant | Energy & Mining Speaker

Social & Environmental Sustainability / ESG Environmental Risk & Compliance Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy Mining Supply Chain Management

Bonita Croft

Vice President Legal, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary · Trican Well Service Ltd.

Diverse speaker on everything from minimizing risk of liability to building relationships in the workplace.

Women in Law Minimizing Risk of Liability Corporate Governance Natural Resources Law Building Relationships in the Workplace

Trevor Zink, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management and Sustainability, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Corporate Social Responsibility Life Cycle Assessment Environmental Impacts of Recycling Sustainability

Francis Galgano, PhD

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.

Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography

Gerald Kauffman

Project Director, Water Resources Center, Institute for Public Administration; Assistant Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware

Prof. Kauffman focuses on drinking water: water supply, water quality, policy, handling droughts and floods.

Public Policy Water Policy Water Supply Water Quality Watershed Planning

Joshua Voss, Ph.D.

Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.

Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology

V. Peter Harder

Senior Policy Advisor · Dentons Canada LLP

Highly engaging speaker with over 30 years at the centre of Canadian law, government decision-making, foreign affairs & international trade.

International Trade Government Relations & Regulatory Affairs Public Policy International Natural Resources and Infrastructure Cleantech

Michael Toma

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Toma researches regional economics and public choice

Macro & Monetary Economics Regional Economics Public Choice

Rufus Isaacs

Professor of Entomology · Michigan State University

Expert in bees, pollination and bees impact on crops

Pest management Pollination Grape Berry Corps Pollinator Conservation

Brian E. Gray

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: 415.565.4719 /

Property Rights and the Constitution Public Lands and Natural Resources Management Environmental Law Water Resources Management Endangered Species

Jehangir Bhadha

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jehangir Bhadha is advancing integrated soil, water, and nutrient management to promote sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable Agriculture Water Quality Soil Nutrient Management

Yvette Lapayese

Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Teaching and Learning

Human Rights Education Critical and Feminist Methodologies Qualitative Research Youth Participatory Action Research Feminist Theories and Epistemologies

Bethany Lacina

Associate Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester

Bethany Lacina is an expert in civil and ethnic conflict.

Migration International Relations Territorial Autonomy Civil Conflict Ethnic Conflict

Jessica Vapnek

Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law


Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law

Chris Tam PhD

Co-Founder & CEO · Integrated Nanotherapeutics

Maximizing the therapeutic potential of drugs through nanotechnology.

Nanoparticles Nanomedicine Healthcare Nanotechnology Biochemistry

Joleah Lamb

Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine

Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.

Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology

Andrea Kirkwood

Associate Professor · University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Aquatic Ecology | Algae | Water Research | Water Quality | Water Pollution | Invasive Species | Environmental Microbiology

Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Invasive Species Algae algal blooms blue-green algae

Fei Fang

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Fei Fang's research lies in the field of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, focusing on computational game theory.

Multi-Agent Systems Optimization Artificial Intelligence Game Theory Computer Science

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials