Evangelyn Alocilja
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Evangelyn Alocilja is an expert in sensors and nano-biosensor devices for biodefense, health diagnostics and therapeutics.
Bio-inspired Nanostructures Tamper-Evidency Food/Water Safety Biosecurity Healthcare Diagnostics
John Brownstein
Chief Innovation Officer · Boston Children's Hospital
John Brownstein's research is focused on predicting patterns of epidemics and pandemics, and the efficacy of disease control strategies.
Population Health Informatics Molecular Biology Program Management Epidemiology Public Health
Jessica Smith Schwind
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology · Georgia Southern University
Jessica Smith Schwind researches emerging infectious diseases in global health settings
Coronavirus Global Health Emerging Infectious Diseases Disease Detection and Response COVID-19
Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM
Professor of Law · Villanova University
Professor Rutschman, SJD, LLM researches topics in health law, biotech, innovation policy, patent law, and law and technology.
Drug Prices Intellectual Property/Patent Innovation Policy Health/Bio 3D Printing Health AI
Syed A. Hashsham
Professor · Michigan State University
I am an environmental engineer engaged in addressing environmental and health issues using molecular biology, genomics, and microfluidics.
Bioremediation Antimicrobial Resistance Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology Molecular Biology
Antonis Rokas
Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair in Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Expert on patterns of evolution, with a focus on the earliest forms of life.
Tree of Life Mosquito Functional Genomics Evolution of Fungal Metabolism Molecular Evolution Evolutionary Development
Alex John London
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Alex John London’s work focuses on ethical and policy issues surrounding novel technologies in medicine.
Elections Responsible AI Bioethics AI Ethics
Michael von Fricken
Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida
Michael von Fricken focuses on vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery.
Global Health Security Emerging Infectious Diseases Vector-Borne Diseases One Health Epidemiology
Lynn Adler
Professor of Biology · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lynn Adler examines the interaction between flowers, pollinator (especially bees) and pathogens.
Bee-Pathogen Dynamics Ecology and Evolution of Insect-Plant Interactions Plant-Animal Interactions Floral Traits Bees
Robert T. Fahey, Ph.D.
George F. Cloutier Professor in Forestry · University of Connecticut
Robert Fahey is interested in understanding linkages between the composition, structure, and functioning of forest ecosystems.
Forestry Natural Resources Forest Ecology Forest Ecosystems
Laura Vandenberg
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.
Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment
Michael Hamblin, PhD
Principal Investigator, Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital · Associate Professor, Dermatology, Harvard Medical School
Dr. Hamblin's research interests are now broadly in the area of phototherapy for multiple diseases
Microscopy Molecular Biology Photomedicine Flourescence Microscopy Biotechnology
Nicholas Muller
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Nicholas Muller works at the intersection of environmental policy and economics.
Economics Air Pollution Environmental Policy Freight Transportation Market Inequality
Joan B. Rose
Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University
International expert in water and public health microbiology, studies viruses, source tracking and protozoa in water with new tools.
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Microbial Source Tracking Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Public Health Microbiology Environmental Virology
Edward Mondor
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Ed Mondor specializes in Insect Ecology and Forensic Entomology.
Environmental Science Insect Ecology Forensic Entomology
Professor of Medicine · Michigan State University
Take care of HIV/AIDS patients as well as Hepatitis C, B patients at 3 sites in Michigan
Hepatitis C Hiv/Aids Hepatitis B
Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.
Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University
Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.
Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology
Glenn Morris
Professor/Director · University of Florida
Dr. Glenn Morris’ initiatives include work with Covid-19 epidemiology, zika, and cholera.
Diarrheal Disease Zika Foodborne Illness Incidence Cholera Food Safety
Roy Curtiss
Professor · University of Florida
Roy Curtiss designs and constructs vaccines to protect farm animals and humans against diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Antimicrobial Resistance Bacterial Pathogens Design, Construction and Evaluation of Vaccines Gene Flow and Evolution Genetics
Paulo Verardi, Ph.D.
Department Head and Associate Professor of Virology and Vaccinology · University of Connecticut
Expert on vaccine development & virology (Smallpox, Rinderpest, Zika, coronaviruses, Rift Valley, Powassan, SFTSV, Heartland, & more)
COVID-19 Mosquito-borne Diseases Tick-borne Diseases Zika Smallpox