Vanessa Díaz

Associate Professor of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Music oral & life histories Latin America political culture diasporas

Laura Hernandez, J.D.

Professor of Law / Chair, Baylor Law School's Diversity Committee · Baylor University

Expert litigator, focusing on immigration law, insurance law, Civil Rights Actions, and separation of Church and State

Immigration Law Insurance Law Civil Rights Actions Separation of Church and State DACA

Laurel Ofstein

Faculty Director, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Michigan State University

Laurel Ofstein's research examines creativity, innovation and strategy within ecosystems, specifically entrepreneurial teams and incubators.

Management Innovation Entrepreneurship

Juraj Bednar

partner, strategy · DIGMIA s.r.o.

mapping unconventional corners of real and imaginary worlds

Bitcoin It Security Server Architecture

Chris Adams

Founder · Orbit Media Group

Seasoned, dynamic speaker: media, entertainment, technology, film, social and digital media executive

Film Web Apps Social Media Digital Media