Elena Gaura
Professor of Pervasive Computing · Coventry University
Professor Elena Gaura is Professor of Pervasive Computing at Coventry University.
Advanced Measurement Systems Technology for Displaced Communities Computing Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Access
Dr. Frances Westley
JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation, University of Waterloo · Social Innovation Generation
Putting the SOCIAL in change is the JW McConnell Chair in Social Innovation at SiG@Waterloo, which builds capacity for social innovation
Sustainable Development Social Innovation Social Finance Engagement and Social Change Social Innovation and Resilience
Heather Chiero, PhD
Associate Professor of History, Anthropology and Philosophy · Augusta University
Dr. Chiero is a leading scholar in Latin American & U.S. Western history and the Spanish colonial periphery of the Caribbean Basin.
Material Culture Social History Underrepresented Populations Central America Latin America
Natalie Ngai
Assistant Professor of Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Assistant Professor of Media Studies
S. Megan Berthold, Ph.D., LCSW
Associate Professor and Director of Field Education · University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Prof. Berthold's clinical and research expertise is with refugee and asylum seeking survivors of torture and the Cambodian genocide.
Trauma and Recovery refugees and asylum seekers vicarious trauma and resilience human rights approach to social work co-ocurring health and mental health conditions post torture and genocide
Cheryl Rose
Director, Partnerships and Projects for SiG@Waterloo · Social Innovation Generation
SiG@Waterloo's Director of Partnerships is enthusiastic about civic engagement and developing community-based social innovation initiatives
Social Innovation Social Finance Entrepreneurship and Community Development Leadership for Social Innovation Enhancing Individual and Organizational Resilience
Gail Wronsky
Professor Emeritus of English · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Poetry Creative Writing 20th Century Women's Writing Play Writing Poetry of Witness
Janet Austin
Chief Executive Officer · YWCA Metro Vancouver
Janet Austin is responsible for one of BC’s largest and most diversified non-profits
Non-Profit Leadership Social Housing Transition Housing Homeless Shelters Group Homes
Devin Thorpe
You can leave a mark on the world, make a difference for a cause you believe in, without quitting your job or leaving your spouse!
Not-For-Profit Charity Community Service Personal Financial Planning Poverty
Maury Nation
Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling · Vanderbilt University
An expert in restorative justice, suspensions, equity for students of color and restorative discipline practices.
Public School Systems Race Bullying and School-Age Children Neighborhood Characteristics and Mental Health Community & School-based Prevention Research
Rubén Martínez
Professor of English and Fletcher Jones Chair in Literature & Writing · Loyola Marymount University
Professor of English and Fletcher Jones Chair in Literature & Writing at Loyola Marymount University
Journalism Mixed-Genre Writing Post-Colonial Literatures and Diaspora
Wesley Longhofer
Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Executive Academic Director, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Organizational Sociology Business and Society Social Enterprise Philanthropy and Non-Profits Climate Change
Laura Dickson
Executive Director · Women in Need Society
Non-profit leader, Social Entrepreneur and Social Justice Advocate
Social Enterprise Women & Nonprofit Retail - Thrift Poverty Alleviation Social Services
Steve Chermak
Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University
Steven M. Chermak is a professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University.
School Violence White Supremacists Crime Media Coverage Domestic Terrorism
Kofi Lomotey
Bardo Distinguished Professor · Western Carolina University
Kofi Lomotey has written more than 50 books, articles and book chapters on urban education and aspects of black education.
School Improvement Urban Education Higher Education
Karen Antell, M.D., MPH, FAAFP
Director of Maternity and Women’s Health Education · ChristianaCare
Menopause Transition Care Contraception Training Family Medicine Obstetrical Care Maternity Care Education School-based Health
Charles Venator-Santiago, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Venator-Santiago is an expert in US territorial law and policy with a focus on the history of citizenship
Nation-State building in the Americas Political Theory Latino Politics Puerto Rico/US Law Territorial Legal History Public Law
Rick Eckstein, PhD
Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert on sports and society, intercollegiate spending, stadium financing and labor and unions.
Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions
Edward M. Feasel, PhD
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer, Professor of Economics · Soka University
Professor Feasel is responsible for academic affairs at Soka University.
Foreign Aid Economic Growth Economic outcomes and societal values Foreign aid, international trade and foreign direct investment Orange County Economy
Joshua Cowen
Associate Professor of Teacher Education · Michigan State University
Joshua Cowen's current research focuses on teacher quality, student and teacher mobility, program evaluation and education policy.
Educational Policy K-12 Administration Statistics, Psychometrics, and Research Design Teacher Education, Learning, and Policy