Laura Briggs

Professor of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Briggs is an expert on U.S. and international reproductive politics, child welfare policy and transnational and transracial adoption.

Transnational Adoption Reproduction Politics Adoption Child Separation

Eric Wood

Director of the TCU Counseling & Mental Health Center · Texas Christian University

Dr. Wood is the director of one of the leading institutions in the field of college counseling,

Student Mental Health College Mental Health Counseling Psychology Counseling and Administration Higher Education

Lorynn Divita, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Apparel Design and Merchandising · Baylor University

Leading fashion researcher focuses on fashion forecasting, trend contagion & textile, apparel and retail industry topics

Contemporary Culture and Fashion Fashion Contagion Fashion Forecasting Textile Sciences Apparel

Mary Bennett

Director of the Micheal O. Leavitt Center for Politics and Public Service · Southern Utah University

Specializing in U.S. campaigns and elections, government relations, and public policy and advocacy

Utah Political Candidates Utah Legislative Body Political Communication Congressional Campaigns Regulatory Policy for Financial Industries

Russell Keen, EdD

President · Augusta University

Dr. Russell Keen is an administrator with more than 20 years of experience in higher education.

Higher Education Public Relations Partnerships Ethics Leadership

Mitchell Lovett

Associate Professor of Marketing · University of Rochester

Mitchell Lovett applies and develops quantitative methods to study marketing problems; Artificial Intelligence (AI) expert

AI in Business Analytics AI in Business Consumer Learning Branding Advertising Content and Schedule Choices

Anita Williams Woolley

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Anita Williams Woolley is an organizational psychologist who studies team collaboration in the workplace and collective intelligence.

Remote Work Team Collaboration Collective Intelligence Organizational Psychology Cognitive Style

Brian Mittendorf

Chair | Department of Accounting and MIS · The Ohio State University

Expert in nonprofit accounting and financial management

Accounting in supply chain management Incentive contracting Nonprofit Organizations Competitive Strategy Accounting

Evan Lee

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4820 / Office 342-200

Criminal Law Federal Courts The Supreme Court (U.S.)

A.R. Siders

Director, Climate Change Science & Policy Hub | Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center | Associate Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration & Department of Geography & Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Siders' research focuses on climate change adaptation policies with an emphasis on relocation and fairness in adaptation.

Decision Modeling Environmental Video Games Climate Change Climate Change Adaptation Policies Climate-related Hazards

Thomas Smith

Professor in the Practice of Finance; Academic Director, Master of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cultural Economics Economics of the Arts Economics of Sports Economics of Religion Urban and Real Estate Economics

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski is is one of the leading educators of polymer chemistry.

Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) Polymer Chemistry Polymer Synthesis Macromolecules Responsive Polymeric Material Development

Imre Bartos

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Imre Bartos’ research interests include extreme cosmic explosions related to the formation and evolution of black holes.

Multimessenger Astronomy Astrophysics LIGO Black Holes Gravitational Waves

John BaRoss

President - Marketing Business Development, Americas · Iksula Online Solutions

Strategic Development eCommerce: Reaching Larger Addressible Markets

Ewallets Ecommerce Bpo/Kpo

Chuck Hodges

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Charles Hodges's research is focused on learner motivation, online teaching & learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, & emerging tech

Teacher Professional Development Instructional Technology Online Teaching Instructional Design Technology Enhanced Learning

Sandra Kauanui, Ph.D.

Expert in entrepreneurship and business management · Florida Gulf Coast University

Sandra Kauanui helps the entrepreneurial-minded build businesses, generate revenue and earn degrees.

Organizational Behavior & Culture Seed-stage investing Entrepreneurial Brand & Product Management Entrepreneurship & Community Innovation Venture Capital and Angel Capital

Bernadette Musetti

Professor of Urban and Environmental Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Teacher Preparation English Language Learners & Specially Designed Instruction Education Reform Professional Learning for Schools and Districts

Pamela Grothe

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.

Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology

Bin Chen

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Human Development · Michigan State University

Dr. Chen is the founding member of DahShu, a non-profit organization to promote research and education in data sciences.

Cancer Therapy Drug Repositioning Translational Bioinformatics AI Big Data

Tara Trammell

Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware

Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.

Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution