Cliff Schecter
Principal & President · Libertas, LLC
Enter Stage Left: Liberate your perspective with Libertas's progressive PR guy, columnist, We Act Radio co-founder, and bestselling author
Progressive Journalism Public Relations & Earned Media Strategy New Media Strategy & Execution Polling & Message Development Media Training
Jay Hmielowski
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Jay Hmielowski's research interests include environmental, science and political communication.
Trust Political Communication Media Psychology and Media Effects Science Communication
Ken Foote, Ph.D.
Professor of Geography · University of Connecticut
Ken Foote has studied sites associated with individual murders, as well as those associated mass murder and many other events.
Genocide Individual Murders Memorials Violence and Tragedy Natural Disasters
Louis DeSipio
Professor of Chicano/Latino Studies and Political Science · UC Irvine
Louis DeSipio examines how democratic nations incorporate new members, including policymaking in the areas of immigration.
U.S. Electoral Politics Immigration Ethnic Politics Latino Politics Latino Studies
Cheryl Carleton, PhD
Associate Professor of Economics; Director of the Villanova Women's Professional Network| Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Cheryl Carleton, PhD, is an expert in labor economics and women in the workforce.
Business Unemployment Women in the Workforce Labor Economics Microeconomics
Julian Ku
Professor of Law and Interim Dean · Hofstra University
The Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law.
International Law International Law in U.S. Courts Constitutional Law Corporate Law Trans Pacific Partnership
Luis Ricardo Fraga
Director, Institute for Latino Studies; Acting Chair, Department of Political Science · University of Notre Dame
Luis Ricardo Fraga specializes in race, education, ethnicity, and Latino politics, as well as immigration, urban and voting rights policy.
Latino Politics Politics of Race Politics of Ethnicity Urban Politics Educational Policy
James Hendler
Director, Future of Computing Institute · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Leading researcher in the Semantic Web and artificial intelligence
Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Semantic Web Computer Science
Jerry Park, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology · Baylor University
Jerry Park is an Associate Professor of Sociology and an Affiliate Fellow of the Institute for Studies on Religion at Baylor University.
Racial and Religious Minority Experiences Prejudice and Discrimination Identity Cultural Ideology and Cultural Capital Civic Participation
Tanya Rhodes Smith
Instructor in Residence and Director, Nancy A. Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work · University of Connecticut
Tanya Rhodes Smith specializes in policy development, nonprofit administration, voter engagement and legislative advocacy.
Social Work Education Nonpartisan Voter Registration Electoral Participation Social Workers in Elected Office Voter Registration, Education and Outreach in Community Agencies
Mark Lukasiewicz
Dean, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication · Hofstra University
Dean Lukasiewicz is a veteran producer, journalist, and media executive. Before joining Hofstra, he was SVP of specials at NBC News.
news platforms news industry Broadcast News Digital Media Media Ethics
Michael P. Lynch, Ph.D.
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Philosophy · University of Connecticut
Dr. Lynch's research focuses on truth and fake news.
Information Technology and Knowledge Democracy and Public Discourse Fake News Truth
Erica Frantz
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Michigan State University
Authoritarian politics, aristocratic rule and policy, democratization, conflict
Dictatorship Conflict Authoritarian Politics Democratization Development
Christopher A. Cooper
Madison Distinguished Professor of Political Science & Public Affairs and Director of the Haire Institute for Public Policy · Western Carolina University
Christopher A. Cooper's research is on N.C. politics, southern politics, political behavior and behavioral public administration.
Election Administration Public Administration Southern Politics American Politics Parties, Campaigns and Elections
Kimberly West-Faulcon
Professor of Law · Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University
James P. Bradley Chair in Constitutional Law
Impeachment Constitutional Law
Richard A. Wilson, Ph.D.
Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Wilson is an expert on hate speech and incitement on social media.
Human Rights Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Anthropology Human rights trials International Human Rights
Jessica Borelli
Associate Professor of Psychological Science · UC Irvine
Jessie Borelli's research focuses on the links between close relationships and mental health
Attachment Parenting Developmental Mental Health Health
Christine Kelleher Palus, PhD
Dean of College of Professional Studies; Professor of Public Administration · Villanova University
Christine Palus, PhD, is an expert on adult education, urban politics and policy, state-level public administration and women in politics.
Adult Education Public Administration and Management Urban Politics American Government State and Local Politics
Jessica Levinson
Clinical Professor of Law · Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University
Director of Loyola Law School's Public Service Institute
Election Law Constitutional Law Impeachment Legislative Process
Michael S. Rogers
Senior Advisor, Washington, D.C. · Brunswick Group
Michael Rogers advises in the areas of cyber security, privacy, geopolitics, technology and intelligence as well as crisis management.
National Security Crisis Management Telecommuncations Cyber Security Intelligence and Counter Intelligence