Douglas Bowman
Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Bowman is an accomplished researcher in marketing, award-winning educator, and proven consultant.
Marketing Strategy Customer Behavior Brand Management Product Management
Forrest W Breyfogle III
President and CEO · Smarter Solutions, Inc.
An enhanced business management system
Lean Six Sigma Voice of the Customer Scorecards Strategic Planning Predicitive Measurement System
Treb Gatte, MBA, MCP, MCTS, Project MVP
Managing Partner · Tumble Road LLC
Speaker, Author, Strategist. I can help you make your company more productive without burning out your employees.
Ms Project Sharepoint Social Enterprise Project Server Project Management
Craig Copeland
Disruptive Theorist · evolve Life Systems
Author, Speaker, Disruptive Theorist
Creative Development Genius-Level Thinking Disruptive Behaviors Intuitive Entrepreneurship
Basim Mirza
Founder · TOP Academy Training
Speaker and Trainer on Social Networking, Best Selling Author of Your Naked Brand
Networking Networks Personal Brand Social Networks Social Networking
Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia
President & CEO · Digital Nova Scotia
Multilingual senior level ICT executive with over 20 years in the private, public and academic sectors, spanning five geographic regions.
ICT/Digtal Startups, SMEs & Multinational Corporations Diversity, Inclusion, Immigration & Global Talent Public Speaking & Presentation STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) Education Stakeholder & Government Relations
Mark Seifert
Partner, Washington, D.C. · Brunswick Group
Mark Seifert offers insights and practical advice to clients addressing complex privacy issues.
Telecommuncations Media Relations Cyber Security Telecommunications Privacy and Data Management
Rakesh Seth
Senior Vice President - Corporate HR · Fedders Lloyd Corporation Ltd.
Seasoned Business HR Professional and conference speaker with sound blend of theory and practice in Human Resource Management.
Motivation and Self Development/Improvement Human Resource Management and Rewards Management Business Communication - All Areas Talent Management Building Leadership Pipeline
Hans M. Hirschi
Founder & Partner · Yāree AB
Exceptional personality with a passion for communication, leadership, learning & development across cultures
Common Sense Communication Cross-Cultural Learning Development
Denise Amyot
President and CEO · Colleges and Institutes Canada
Denise Amyot is President and CEO of CICan, the national voice of Canada's public colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics.
Postsecondary Education Non - Profit Organization Non Profit Advocacy Postsecondary Education Administration Public Administration
Kashef Majid
Assistant Professor of Business · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Majid is an expert on reputation management and marketing strategy, with an emphasis on food waste.
Food Waste Sustainability Marketing Strategy International Marketing
Beth Vallen, PhD
Professor of Marketing and Business Law | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Beth Vallen, PhD, is an expert on consumer behavior, with a focus on health-related decision making
Food Marketing Consumer Goals/Motivation Consumer Behavior Health-related Decision Making Business
Jim Kukral
CEO · JFK Services, LLC
Web Business & Marketing Entrepreneur/Speaker - With A Motivational Touch!
Internet Marketing & Sales Motivational & Inspriational Small Business Internet Success Entrepreneur
Hasheem Francis
CoFounder, CEO · Built To Prosper Companies
Be A Great Student of Life, So You Can Be An Outstanding Teacher of Living.
Business & Strategic Planning Sales Organizational Development Leadership Development Communicating Change
Meredith David, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Marketing · Baylor University
Dr. David focuses on marketing strategies with an exploration of new technologies.
Strategic Planning Marketing Marketing and Communications Consumer Preferences Well-Being
Ed Alfke
Founder and CEO · Mentor Inc.
Guardian Angel of Investment! Set off in the right direction with Mentor Inc.'s entrepreneurial startup & early-stage company growth expert
Business Franchising Business Planning Strategic Planning for Business Business Financing Business Management
Anna Davis
Trainer, Coach and Consultant · Achieve Balance
Experienced, interactive and thought-provoking speaker who encourages people to make changes to the way they work and live
Motivation Goal-Setting and Alignment NlP
Curtis Carlson Nelson
Travel & Hospitality Executive · Curtis Carlson Nelson
Curtis Carlson Nelson has 20 years of management experience with a focus on the travel and hospitality industries.
Marketing Management Travel Hospitality
Stanley Griffis
Donald J. Bowersox and Robert W. Thull Professor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management · Michigan State University
Professor Griffis' primary teaching interests include logistics and supply chain management.
Risk and Resilience Sustainability Logistics
Reshma Shah
Professor in the Practice of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Relationship Marketing Customer and Partner Retention Integrated Marketing Communications Brand and Category Management Marketing Processes and Performance