Ben Pickering

CEO · Strutta

Dynamic and engaging speaker recognized as a thought leader in arena of social media and promotional marketing

Social Media Promotions Online Advertising Social Promotions Social Media Business Development and Operations

Mae Hoover

Founder · Foundation for Publication

"Laffologist" making people laugh because laughter relieves stress.

Laughter Does Good Like Medicine Should Overcome Fear of Writing Guiding Writers From Idea to Published Book

Brad Szollose

CEO · Brad Szollose International

Cross-Generational Leadership Development. Customized Workshops, Training & Executive Coaching for Talent Development.

Millennials Generation Y Baby Boomers Generation X 21st Century Management

Mark Litwak

Attorney at Law · Law Offices of Mark Litwak & Associates

Author and Attorney that addresses Entertainment Law issues s

Risky Business Financing and Distributing Independent Films Protecting Film Investors Film Finance

Tim Moore

CEO · CrushIQ

Hype is dead! I teach businesses how to specifically create better customer experiences while competing for greater mind & market share.

Social Media Marketing Digital Business The Connected Consumer Google+ for Business

Anthony F. Botelho

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Anthony Botelho's researches the development and application of educational technology.

Behavioral Psychology Educational Technology Machine Leearning Qualitative Methods Artificial Intelligence

Christopher Westley, Ph.D.

Expert in regional economic trends · Florida Gulf Coast University

Dr. Westley studies and researches the economics of the free society.

Finance Economics Public Economics Austrian Economics Political Economy

Steve Przymus

Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics & Bilingual Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Przymus uses applied linguistics to influence positive language ideologies about culturally and linguistically diverse youth.

Language Planning & Policy Assessment in Bilingual Special Education Bilingual Education Models Sociolinguistics Identity

Tristan Tayag

Professor · Texas Christian University

Professor Tayag focuses on biotechnology optical metrology, digital signal and image processing, and computed tomography

Fluorescene Microscopy Digital Signal and Image Processing Biotechnology Optical Metrology Computed Tomography

Anthony Greenfield

Director · The 5 Forces of Change

Leading speaker, author and practitioner of change leadership - entertaining and thought provoking seminars and workshops at major conferenc

Leading Successful Change Mobilising Your Workforce for Change Primal Leadership

Professor Marina Novelli

Professor of Tourism and International Development · University of Brighton

She is committed to generating new knowledge on ways in which tourism can play a key role in sustainable development.

Travel Policy Tourism in Africa International Tourism Sustainable Tourism International Development

Allen C. Amason

Dean of the Parker College of Business · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Amason’s research focuses on strategic decision-making and the role of top management in the strategy process.

Strategic Decision Making Strategic Management

Trevor Ambrose

Director · Trevor Ambrose Pty Ltd

Public Speaking & Sales Coach

Public Speaking Fear of Public Speaking Presentation Skills How to Speak and Present With Impact Psychology to Boost Sales

Holly Schiffrin

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Schiffrin is an internationally known expert on intensive and helicopter parenting.

Emerging Adulthood Helicopter Parenting Positive Psychology Infant and Child Development Intensive Parenting

Fernando Estrada

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

Psychology Counseling Mental Health Higher Education

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall has applied and extended interpersonal and family communication theories to explore difficult conversations.

Interpersonal Communication Family Communication Organizational Communication

Ian/epredator Hughes

Metaverse Evanagelist · Feeding Edge Ltd

Metaverse Evangelist, TV presenter, taking a bite out of technology so you don't have to. Mixing tech with social change

Metaverse Virtual Worlds 3d Printing Maker Culture Kids Technology

Jill McCorkel, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Jill McCorkel, PhD, examines the social and political consequences of mass incarceration in the United States

#SayHerName Prison Education Programs Race, Class and Gender Inequality Prisons and Punishment Law and Criminal Justice Policy

Barbara Frei

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University

Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.

Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding

Ricardo McRae

Financial Broker • Podcast Host • TEDx Speaker · Wolf PACK McRae

Helping families become financially independent & debt free. •