Muzzo Uysal
Carney Family Endowed Professor of Hospitality & Tourism Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Muzzo Uysal is an expert on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism marketing, and quality of life research in tourism.
Tipping Quality-of-Life (QOL) Research in Hospitality and Tourism Tourist Demand Estimation Tourism Development Tourism Impacts
Scott Imberman
Professor · Michigan State University
Education expert and economist, focusing on policy issues in K-12 and higher education
Autism Spectrum Disorder Teacher Incentives Education Policy Economics of Education School Choice
Brenda Spotton Visano
University Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies · York University
Spotton Visano engages a variety of research methods to examine ways to improve access to basic financial services for low income Canadians.
Financial Literacy Economic Literacy Social Justice Financial Education Community Outreach
Azadeh Sawyer
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer's interdisciplinary research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate building envelopes.
Green Design Building Envelope Design Quality Virtual Reality Immersive Visualization Systems
Carl Elks, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Elks' career focuses on maturing and advancing the state of the art in the areas of safety assessment and fault tolerance.
Runtime Verification and Monitoring Fault Injection for Cyber Physical Systems Complexity Aware Design for Critical Systems Assessment Methods for Dependable and High Integrity Systems Cyber Physical Systems
Gretchen Chapman
Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Gretchen Chapman's research combines judgment and decision-making with health psychology.
Health Behavior Decision Research Field Experiments Decision Processes Risk Preferences
Carol Bishop Mills, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies · Florida Atlantic University
Carol Bishop Mills' research covers the lifespan from teasing and bullying in childhood through workplace bullying and sexual harassment.
Relational and Interpersonal Communication Health Communication
Michelle Grimes
Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University
A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution
ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health
Kate Hong
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Kate Hong's research is in understanding the organization and function of neural circuits that underlie sensory-guided behaviors.
Behavioral Methods Characterization of Neural Circuits Computational, Mathematical & Statistical Methods Diseases & Disorders Physiological & Anatomical Methods
Jay Shanken
Professor Emeritus in Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Asset Pricing Tests Portfolio Efficiency Return Predictability Factor Models
Shiladitya Banerjee
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Shiladitya Banerjee develops theoretical models to understand how the internal structures of a living cell impacts its characteristics.
Single-cell Biophysics Soft Living Matter Physics Physics of Living Systems Molecular and Cell Biology
Yongsun Paik, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Director, Center for International Business Education and Center for Asian Business
Regional Economic Integration Global Trade International Joint Ventures International Human Resource Management Business Ethics
Michael Curran, PhD
The Diana and Thomas Klein '84 Associate Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Michael Curran, PhD, is an expert in computational international financial macroeconomics.
Business Econometrics Computational Economics New Macroeconometrics Uncertainty
Jonathan Burns
President & Chief Marketing Innovator · Strategy Cube Inc.
An unusual & refreshing perspective on internet marketing from an ex P&G BM turned CMO for lease.
Internet Marketing Social Media Startup Marketing Online Lead Generation Online Marketing Strategy
Sarah Mendelson
Distinguished Service Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sarah Mendelson's current work is on creating a community of practice dedicated to growing the next generation of human rights experts.
Elections Human Trafficking Humanitarian Affairs Russian Politics Ukrainian Politics
Charles "Billy" Gunnels, Ph.D.
Expert in animal behavior and urban ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University
Billy Gunnels examines the interaction between humans and animals.
Animal Behavior Urban Ecology Wildlife Ecology Biological Stats Wasps
Paul Sutter
Professor of Astrophysics | Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics · The Ohio State University
Astrophysics expert, specializing in the emptiest regions of the universe
Astrophysics Big Bang Theory Space Exploration Intersections of Science and Art
Kevin Wagner, Ph.D.
Professor and Department Chair · Florida Atlantic University
Kevin Wagner's research and teaching interests include judicial politics, political behavior and legislative behavior
Florida Politics Politics in Film and Fiction Research Methods Public Opinion and American Politics Political Party and Interest Groups
June Ahn
Professor · UC Irvine
June Ahn is a Professor of Learning Sciences and Research-Practice Partnerships at the UC Irvine (UCI) School of Education.
Data Use and Analytics Human-Computer Interaction Learning Technologies Research-Practice Partnerships Educational Technology
David Berri
Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University
Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports
Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA