David Kaplan
Professor · University of Florida
David Kaplan studies connecting ecosystems, the hydrologic cycle, and humans with the goal of advancing natural resources conservation.
Groundwater Rivers Springs Hydrology Wetlands
Rick Relyea
Director, Darrin Fresh Water Institute; Director, Jefferson Project; & David M. Darrin ’40 Senior Endowed Chair · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Researches community ecology, ecotoxicology, phenotypic plasticity, forest inputs to wetlands, disease ecology, and invasive species
Aquatic Ecosystems Animal Disease Ecology Animal Behavior Evolution Ecology
Jennifer Zettler
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Dr. Zettler investigates the ecological effects of red imported fire ants on native invertebrates and plants
Invasive Species Entomology Zoology Ecology
Kurt Schwenk, Ph.D.
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut
Professor Schwenk studies the functional morphology and evolution of lizards and snakes.
Reptiles Lizards Phenotypic Evolution Evolutionary Biology Ecology
Christine Hatch
UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,
Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change
Bjoern Hamberger
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry · Michigan State University
Hamberger's research focuses on the discovery of plant pathways for bioactive diterpenoids found in medicinal plant species.
Synthetic Biology Plant Specialized Metabolites Terpenes
Jeffrey Buler
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Buler's current research focuses on radar biology, avian ecology and migration, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.
Bird Migration Radar Aeroecology Landscape Ecology Species Distribution Modeling Stopover Ecology
Kate Detwiler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Florida Atlantic University
Kate Detwiler's research focus is on the evolution and conservation of African forest monkeys.
Anthropology Conservation of African Monkeys Molecular Primatology Primate Hybridization Primate Speciation
Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.
Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics
Rattan Lal
Associate Professor, Soil Science | Environment and Natural Resources · The Ohio State University
Rattan Lal is a Professor of Soil Physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University .
Soil Science Environment Natural Resources
Andrea Grottoli
Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University
Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions
Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry
Bill Heyborne
Dean of College of Natural Sciences and Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in reptile and amphibian natural history, biological pedagogy, and animal venoms
Ecology and Evolution of Insects and Arachnids Herpetology Entomology Zoology Amphibians
J. Adam Langley, PhD
Professor of Biology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Adam Langley, PhD, focuses his research on how ecosystems respond to, and may determine the severity of, environmental change.
Wetlands Climate Change Global Change Ecology Carbon Cycling Coastal Wetland Sustainability
Robbie Nakatsu, Ph.D.
Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Crowdsourcing Information Technology Management Data Science Data Management Machine Learning
John Leshy
Emeritus Harry D. Sunderland Distinguished Professor of Real Property Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: leshyj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4726 / Office 382-200
Real Property Law State and Federal Constitutional Law Natural Resources Law Public Land Law Water Law
David Hu
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
David Hu's research focuses on fundamental problems of hydrodynamics and elasticity that have bearing on problems in biology.
Physical Applied Mathematics Biomechanics Fluid Dynamics Fluid Mechanics Solid Mechanics
Daniel Bolnick, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Bolnick is an expert on how evolution maintains genetic variation within species.
Speciation Host-parasite Interactions Ecology Evolutionary Biology Immunology
Anthony Mazeroll, PhD
Professor Environmental Studies · Soka University
Professor Mazeroll focuses on the behavioral ecology of fishes
Ecology of Amazonian Fishes Population Genetics Fish Ecology Fish Behaviour Observation Human Impact on the Environment
Paulina Jaramillo
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Paulina Jaramillo is currently involved in research to understand the social, economic and environmental implications of energy consumption.
Sustainable Engineering Engineering and Public Policy Electric Power Systems Green Design Energy
David Takacs
Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: takacsd@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4845 / Office 329-200
Climate Change Law Environmental Law Earth Systems Science Biodiversity Law International Environmental Law