Muira McCammon, PhD

Assistant Professor · Tulane University

Muira McCammon is an expert in digital culture, tech ethics, government comms, social media regulation, Gitmo and the legacy of 9/11.

Government Use & Regulation of Social Media U.S. laws governing the deletion and disappearance of federal records and archives Military Policy Researcher Digital Culture Information Policy

Rick Sadler

Assistant Professor, Division of Public Health · Michigan State University

Urban geographer and expert on public health issues in relation to geography/mapping.

Salutogenic and Pathogenic Properties of Urban Areas Environment and Health Behaviors/Outcomes Qualitative Analytics Spatial Analysis Social Determinants of Health

Christopher Kaczor

Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Bioethics Ethics Positive Psychology & Spirituality Catholic Church

James Hendler

Director, Future of Computing Institute · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading researcher in the Semantic Web and artificial intelligence

Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Semantic Web Computer Science

Heather Bastedo

Principal · Public Square Research

Heather Bastedo has more than ten years of experience in persuasion and motivation research

Politics Public Speaking Public Policy Policy Strategic Communications

David Redlawsk

Professor and Chair, Political Science Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware

Prof. Redlawsk is a political psychologist with expertise in campaigns, voter behavior, decision making, and emotion.

Political Campaigns Decision Making Survey Research Politics Voter Beavior and Attitudes

Paul Froese, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Director of Baylor Religion Surveys · Baylor University

Dr. Froese focuses on the sociology of meaning, religion, comparative historical sociology, political sociology and ideology.

Sociology Religion Religion Politics & Culture Society's Images of God Russians and Religious Ideology

Janie Steckenrider

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Political Gerontology Aging and Sexuality American Politics Public Policies On Aging

Steven Culler

Affiliated Associate Professor of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

A health services researcher explaining the variation in utilization, cost, and outcomes of selected treatments in the Medicare Program.

US Healthcare Policy Health Services Research

Stephen Fitzpatrick

Vice President, Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer · Credit Union Central of Canada

Experienced finance professional in the Canadian financial services industry

Credit Unions Policy Finance Accounting Lending

Kerrie Sendall

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Sendall focuses on the effects of global climate change on plant traits such as photosynthetic rates, growth, and survival

Invasive Species Biodiversity Climate Change Biology Biology of Plants

Allyson Poska

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Poska is an internationally known expert on the history of women in early modern Europe and colonial Latin America.

Smallpox Vaccination Spanish History Latin American History Women's History

James Sample

Professor of Law · Hofstra University

Professor Sample regularly comments on voting rights and constitutional issues in leading media outlets.

The Supreme Court Voting Rights Voting Rights Policy Constitutional Law Judicial Elections

Joanne Hammond

Archaeologist · Pacific Heritage Research

Heritage expert connected to BC's archaeology and Indigenous heritage communities, dedicated to public outreach on BC's past.

Archaeology Archaeological Research Archaeological Survey land use studies Heritage

Amanda Parriag

Principal · ParriagGroup

ParriagGroup| Amanda has 17 years experience as a researcher & consultant in Indigenous issues, education and health.

Qualitative Research Report Writing Program Evaluation Proposal Writing Quantitative Research

Ranjit Singh

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Singh has served as an accredited international observer to elections in South Africa, Namibia, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

International Relations Policy Analysis The Middle East Palestine Bahrain

John David N. Dionisio

Chair and Professor of Computer Science (Sabbatical, Fall '24) · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Science Interaction Design Computer Graphics

Karen Musalo

Professor of Law, International Law Professorship Chair and Director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4720 / Office 403-100

Refugee Law and Policy Gender Asylum Women's Rights Child Migrant's Rights Gender Justice / Central America

Martin Kang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Econometrics Empirical Analysis Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Data Science

Sylvia Bawa

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology · York University

Dr. Bawa teaches sociology at York University

Human Rights Women's Empowerment postcolonial feminisms African feminisms Development Theory