C.C. Chapman
Author, Entrepreneur & Motivator
Best selling author and award winning marketing expert. Guaranteed to leave your audience educated, entertained and inspired!
Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Content Creation Blogging Interactive Marketing Strategies
Dave Hubbard
Founder · America's Fitness Coach®
Entertaining and unforgettable presentations that inspire audiences to improve the quality of their life!
How to Better Manage Your Body
Jayne Amelia Larson
Founder · JAL Communications Consulting
Your guide to more authentic and compelling communication and presentations.
Authentic Communication Better Presentation Skills Empathy
Dianne McNair
Speaker/Author/Public Advocate · Independent Platform
Power Speaker/Advocate/Author: (www.echoesfromyourpast.com), www.peoplesrightsadvocate.com
Life Coach at Ground Zero Citizens' Advocacy Congressional Assistance Inspirational Motivation
Caspar Berry
Motivational and Keynote Speaker and Trainer · Caspar Berry Ltd
Keynote and Motivational Speaker and Trainer on the subject of Risk Taking and Decision Making
Risk Decision Making Uncertainty Change Motivation
Richard Berman
Owner and Founder · Richard Berman Public Relations
My vast experience in public relations, editing and media production give me the understanding of what it takes for a successful campaign
Public Relations and Publicity Brand Management Crisis Communications Media Training Social Media Content Development