Mark A. Boyer, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Mark A. Boyer studies environmental policy and global-local linkages. His research focuses on climate adaptation from global to local.

Simulation and Experimental Methods Climate Change Global-Local Linkages Globalization Environmental Policy

Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.

Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University

Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.

Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology

Michael Volk

Research Associate Professor · University of Florida

Michael Volk’s work is focused on a variety of topics related to climate change and resilient design.

Regional Conservation Planning Adaptive Planning and Design Landscape Architecture Adaptive Conservation Cultural Landscapes

John Taylor

Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in bat research, collegiate program development, STEM education, and professional development

Herpetology Impact of Biological Problems on Human Affairs Collegiate Program Development STEM Education and Policy Biological Education

Jehangir Bhadha

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jehangir Bhadha is advancing integrated soil, water, and nutrient management to promote sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable Agriculture Water Quality Soil Nutrient Management

Hannes Baumann, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Hannes Baumann is an expert in coastal fish ecology and effects of marine climate change

Evolution Oceanography Marine Science Fish Populations Marine Climate Change

Michele Baggio, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Michele Baggio is an expert in environmental and resource economics, ecological economics, and health economics.

Ecological Economics Health Economics Environmental and Resource Economics Applied Microeconomics

Gillian Gregory

Researcher, Traditional Knowledge and Use Studies · The Firelight Group

Research, analysis & technical support for Indigenous communities

Indigenous communities Traditional land and resource use Resource Management Migration Vulnerability & well-being

Scott Munro

Department Chair, Professor of Engineering · Southern Utah University

Specializing in aerocoustics flow sound interaction and induced vibrations, propagation, and aerospace technologies

Thermocouples Hot-wire Anemometers Compressible Flow Viscous Flow Vibration Measurements and Instrumentation

Maria Lapinski

Professor · Michigan State University

Maria Lapinski’s research connects global health and environmental issues, cultural dynamics, and communication science.

Communication Sciences Global Health Cultural Dynamics

Katherine Kahl

Extension Assistant Professor, Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Katherine Kahl studies sustainable fisheries and coastal resilience needs and is an expert of growing the "blue economy."

Coastal Resilience Coastal Ecosystems Sustainable Fisheries Blue Economy

Aaron Carlisle

Assistant Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Carlisle research focuses on how the environment and organismal biology interact to influence the ecology of species.

Stable Isotope Ecology Evolutionary Biology Physiological Ecology Marine Fishes Biological Sciences

Steven Andersen

Senior Vice President · J.S. Held LLC

Environmental Sustainability and Compliance Expert | Greenhouse Gas Management | Carbon Accounting | Enterprise Data Integration

Air Emission System Implementation Enterprise & Business Architecture for ESG & EHS Environmental Sustainability / ESG Environmental Risk & Compliance Sustainability Data Management

Emma "Mickey" MacKie

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Mickey MacKie uses geophysical observations and machine learning techniques to study the topography, geology and hydrology of glaciers.

Cryosphere Research Glaciology Topography, geology and hydrology of Glaciers Machine Learning Glaciers

Christine Hatch

UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,

Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change

Christine Hladik

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Hladik specializes in the application of geospatial data to address a range of ecological and management goals

Coastal Wetlands Geography Remote Sensing Geospatial Data Mapping Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation

Lucy Wilson

Professor Emeritus of English · Loyola Marymount University

Advanced Essay Writing Pre-Major Poetry Twentieth-Century Literature

Bruno Takahashi

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Bruno Takahashi's research interests include media coverage of environmental affairs and the links between media and policy.

Risk Communication Environment Journalism Environmental Communication Science Communication Environmental Behaviors

Robert Walker

Professor · University of Florida

Robert Walker is a human geographer with training in statistics and economics who studies land cover change processes.

Land Change The Amazon Latin American Studies Land Use Change Modeling Geospatial Analysis and Techniques

Ariana Smies, Ph.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Ariana Smies is a project engineer in the Advanced Development group at Kohler.

Clinical Research Biomedical Engineering Wound Healing