Keith Blakemore-Noble
Director, Speaker, Coach · Be Your Change Ltd
The Confidence Alchemist - transforming your deepest fears into your greatest strengths.
NlP Hypnosis Confidence
John Bland
Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics
Professor Bland researches Differential Geometry
Several Complex Variables Differential Geometry
Andrea Hlady
President · Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition
Andrea Hlady is the president of a grassroots conservation group that advocates for protection of the Castle Wildland area (SW Alberta).
Philanthropic Investments Fundraising Leadership
Angela Crawley
Scientist, Chronic Disease Program · Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Chronic Disease Program
Angela Crawley's lab studies the immunopathogenesis of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) infection.
Biomedical Research Immunology Chronic Disease T-cell biology Hepatitis C Virus Infection (Hcv)
Carolyn Harris
Historian, Author, Royal Commentator, Instructor, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies ·
Author of Magna Carta and Its Gifts to Canada,Queenship &Revolution in Early Modern Europe and Raising Royalty:1000 Years of Royal Parenting
History Royalty Monarchy Queen Elizabeth II Europe
Catherine E. Hundleby
Associate Professor of Philosophy · University of Windsor
Feminist philosopher of argumentation and knowledge
Philosophy Critical Thinking Argumentation Scientific Knowledge Feminism
Deborah Kurrasch
Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics · University of Calgary
Kurrasch’s research is focused on genetic programs that govern hypothalamic development using both mice and zebrafish as model organisms.
Molecular Biology Developmental Biology Pharmacology Neuroscience Genetics
Deborah Stienstra
Professor · University of Manitoba
author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development
Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development
Fatimah Tuggar
Artist & Assistant Professor of Contemporary Issues of Representation · OCAD University
artist working with technology as both medium and subject to address issues of social and environmental justice
Art and Creativity Art Education Art & Technology Installation Art Sculpture
Jennifer Lynes
Director of the Environment and Business Program · University of Waterloo School of Environment
Jennifer Lynes's expertise intersects business and the environment, where she focuses on investigating the marketing of sustainability.
Marketing Social Marketing Community-Based Social Marketing Green Marketing
Jennifer Andrews
Professor, Department of English · University of New Brunswick
Jennifer Andrews’s areas of interest include nineteenth- and twentieth-century English-Canadian and American literature
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century English-Canadian and American Literature Native North American Literature Literary Theory Border Studies Cultural Studies
Julie Cafley
Senior Vice President · Public Policy Forum
Julie Cafley is a frequent speaker and commentator on issues relating to higher education leadership and governance.
Governance and Public Policy Higher Education Administration Women & Leadership Community Development Innovation
Kari Sampsel
Medical Director, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program, Attending Staff Emergency Physician · The Ottawa Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine & University of Ottawa
Emergency Medicine, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Clinician, Educator and Advocate
Emergency Medicine Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Intimate Partner Violence Sexual Assault Awareness
Kate Johnson
Chaplain · Queen's University
Kate Johnson is a believer in the value of interfaith dialogue and community-building to bring people together.
Interfaith Dialogue Community Building Community Outreach Nonprofits Higher Education
Kelly Grindrod
Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy · University of Waterloo
Kelly Grindrod's areas of expertise include medication use, digital health technology and pharmacy education
Pharmacy Education Digital Health Technology Medication Use
Laura Doering
Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management
Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries
Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics
Leigh Potvin
Assistant Professor, Community Studies · Cape Breton University
Educator, activist, academic. Interests: straight privilege, urban farming, backyard chickens, fat activism & active transportation.
gender studies (feminism) Queer Theory Privilege in Society White Privilege straight privilege
Marina Bettaglio
Associate Professor · University of Victoria
Dr. Bettaglio's research focuses on contemporary Spanish and Italian cultural studies with a gender perspective.
Spanish Literature Modern Languages Comparative Literature Women's Studies Gender Studies
Mary Louise Adams
Professor · Queen's University
Professor, Kinesiology and Health Studies
Physical Activity LGBTQ History Sexuality Studies Walking - history and sociology Fitness cultures
P. Lynne Honey
Associate Professor and Chair · MacEwan University, Department of Psychology
Behaviour, biopsychology, evolution, and critical thinking. I'm interested in where nature and nurture shake hands.
evolution and human behaviour animal learning and conditioning theory teaching of psychology social dominance sex differences