Sarah Evans

Chief Evangelist · Sevans Strategy

Sarah serves as a digital correspondent and consultant to global brands is a digital strategist and global brand correspondent.

Social Media Communications Social Correspondent Journalism Content Marketing

Lance Laking

Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Advisory Services · MaRS Cleantech

Entrepreneur, Advisor, Angel Investor, Board Director in technology-based businesses

NK Shrivastava

Vice President · Farragut Systems

Experienced, entertraining speaker on Project Management topics who brings real life examples from his own projects into his presetations th

Project Risk Management Troubled Project Recovery Estimation & Planning

Anita Williams Woolley

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Anita Williams Woolley is an organizational psychologist who studies team collaboration in the workplace and collective intelligence.

Remote Work Team Collaboration Collective Intelligence Organizational Psychology Cognitive Style

William Gonwa, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director for Civil Engineering · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. William Gonwa focuses on the water resources area of civil engineering including collection systems and stormwater management.

Civil Engineering Wastewater Collection Flood Control Infiltration and Inflow Statistics

Shannon Phillips, MD, MPH

Quality and Patient Safety Officer · Cleveland Clinic

Healthcare audiences are eager to learn how metrics, performance improvement and outcomes can help ensure the success of an organization

Quality and Patient Safety Culture of Safety Leadership: Role of A Leader to Develop Culture Leading By Influence Performance Improvement & Safety/Quality

Charles Knapp

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4668 / Office M204-198

Contract Law Commercial Law Secured Transcations

William Powell

Executive Director · The Leadership Advisor

William Powell is a highly sought after international advisor & keynote speaker for leadership, culture, engagement.

Employee Engagement Leadership Organizational Culture Self Leadership

Kim Page

Speaker - Author - Conscious Business Guide · Kim Page International

From Corporate To Conscious: Change the Course of Business...Change the World

April Dunford

Independent Marketing Executive · Rocket Launch Marketing

Aim for the sky but shoot for the stars! Rocket Launch Marketing's experienced startup marketing executive helps expansion-stage startups

Corporate Communications Marketing Strategy Startup Marketing Brand Development & Marketing Product Marketing Strategies

Anna Maria Virzi


Blog about your passion and use social channels to connect with other enthusiasts

Social Media Marketing Journalism Blogging Panama

Dr. Shruti Gohil

Associate Medical Director, Epidemiology & Infection Prevention · UCI Health

Dr. Shruti K. Gohil is an infectious disease specialist in Orange, California and is affiliated with one hospital.

Epidemiology of Sepsis Infection Prevention Clinical infectious diseases Hospital Epidemiology Sociodemographic

Guy Steeves

Regional Development Director · Constant Contact, Inc.

Educational Marketing Expert - Western Canada

Event Marketing Engagement Marketing Social Media Marketing Customer Engagement Small Business Marketing Strategies

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Harry G. Prince

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4790 / Office M218-198

Contracts and Commercial Law Critical Race Theory Public International Law

Kirsten Knipp

Vice President, HubSpot Europe · HubSpot

Experienced, engaging speaker that marries inbound marketing theory with practical business examples and inspires audiences to take action

David Schatsky

Principal Analyst / Founder · Green Research

Corporate sustainability expert/industry analyst with a C-suite perspective

Sustainability Energy Cleantech Technology

Les Garnas

President · Trust Paradigm

Trust & Networking Expert

Jim Finkelstein

President and CEO · FutureSense, LLC

A contrarian who is a stimulating speaker; an expert in people and organization strategy and a "millennial in boomer clothing"

Compensation: Reward and Motivation in the 21st Century Organization Communications: Effective Employee Engagement The New Cogenerational Workplace: From 18-80 Boards of Directors: Ethics and Responsibilities The People Dimension: Environment

Gina Watkins

Regional Development Director · Constant Contact, Inc.

Educational Marketing Expert - DC, MD, WV

Event Marketing Social Media Marketing Email Marketing Engagement Marketing Customer Engagement