Kari Watkins
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Kari Watkins' research interests revolve around multi-modal transportation planning and the use of technology in transportation.
Complete Streets Design Traveler Information Transportation Planning Smart Cities Sustainable Communities
Joan B. Rose
Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research, Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife · Michigan State University
International expert in water and public health microbiology, studies viruses, source tracking and protozoa in water with new tools.
Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Microbial Source Tracking Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment Public Health Microbiology Environmental Virology
Megan Donahue
Professor of Astronomy · Michigan State University
Megan Donahue is an expert on AGN feedback in clusters and circumgalactic gas and is now president of the American Astronomical Society.
Galaxy Formation Galaxies Stars
Kevin Sidebottom
President · Bottom To Top Consulting
Experienced dynamic speaker that engages the audience to reach higher and work harder to accomplish greatness
Inspirational Corporate Leadership The Selling Process Getting More From Your Customers Re-Energize Your Team Money-Smart Students
Hayden Wimmer
Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology · Georgia Southern University
Hayden Wimmer is an expert in Information Systems based in data mining and artificial intelligence applied to financial data.
Financial Data Data Mining Information Systems Artificial Intelligence
Morton Schapiro
President · Northwestern University
Named the 16th president of Northwestern University with an extensive background in economics
Assessment and Accountability in Higher Education Opportunity in American Higher Education Aligning Athletics and Academic Values The Promise and Perils of Universal Higher Education Global Issues in Higher Education
Peter Campbell, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science · Baylor University
Professor Campbell studies international security, civil-military relations, international relations and policy relevance
Just War Theory International Relations International Security Counterinsurgency
Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.
Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas
Denise Lones
President and Founder · The Lones Group
Engaging, intuitive, and dynamic. Denise Lones grabs your attention from the moment she begins to speak ... and doesn't let go!
Peak Performance Managing Conflict in the Workplace Take Your Brand to the Next Level Build Your Business
Patrick Oliver, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice · Cedarville University
Dr. Oliver serves as Director of the Criminal Justice Program.
Community-based Policing Improper / Proper Use of Force Recruiting Hiring Retaining Police Officers
Tammy Clifford
Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards · Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
Supporting evidence-informed decisions in Canadian health care as CADTH's Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards.
Epidemiology Evidence-Based Medicine Health Health & Healthcare Law and Policy health technology assessment
Malik Aziz
Founder, Editor-in-Chief · The Muslim Street
Malik Aziz addresses issues on current national and Int'l Afro-American and Muslim affairs'.
Muslim Current Affairs' Black History
Jessica Smith Schwind
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology · Georgia Southern University
Jessica Smith Schwind researches emerging infectious diseases in global health settings
Coronavirus Global Health Emerging Infectious Diseases Disease Detection and Response COVID-19
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
Parshati Patel
Science Communication · Stellar Dreams
An astrophysicist turned science communicator, space educator, author and space artist with a passion to bring space to the public!
Sci Art STEM Education Astrophyics Astronomy Planetary Science
Claire Wheeler
Instructor · Portland State University
Experienced, energetic speaker who builds organizational success through the well-being of its members
Stress Management Optimal Performance Weight Management
Kevin Jones
President · Engaged Learning
To the point, common sense speaker who challenges the status quo. Dynamic & thought provoking, I simplify the complex & inspire action.
Innovating Management Collaborative Technologies (Internal Social Media) Failure
Jeff Ferrazzo
Regional Developement Director · Constant Contact, Inc.
Educational Marketing Expert - MN, WI, ND, SD, IA,
Engagement Marketing Social Media Marketing Email Marketing Best Practices Marketing for Non-Profits Event Marketing
Zak Barron
Area Director – Central United States (CO, WY, UT, MT) · Constant Contact, Inc.
Educational Marketing Expert - CO, UT, WY, MT, NM
Email Marketing Engagement Marketing Event Marketing Marketing for Nonprofits Social Media Marketing
Kelly Flint
Area Director - Southwest USA · Constant Contact, Inc.
Kelly is a speaker and team leader.
Email Marketing Engagement Marketing Event Marketing Online Marketing for Nonprofits Social Media Marketing