Jessica Vapnek

Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law


Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law

Rick Eckstein, PhD

Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert in sports and society, youth sports, gender and sports, intercollegiate spending and stadium financing.

Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions

Kerri Raissian, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Public Policy · University of Connecticut

Public administration expert, focusing on child and family policy

The impact of early childhood investments on child well-being Role of policy in family violence and contraception subsidies How policy generates family complexity, data collection and decision making in the child protective system

Sharon Austin

Professor · University of Florida

Sharon Wright Austin’s teaching and research interests are in American government, urban politics and African American politics.

Southern Politics African American Politics Urban Politics

Mario Murillo

Vice Dean, Professor of Radio, Television, Film, LHSC · Hofstra University

Prof. Murillo has special interest in community-based radio journalism, Latin American studies, citizen's media, and civic engagement.

Radio journalism Human Rights and Policy Latin American Media and Politics U.S./Latin American Policy Latino Culture and History

Joshua Cowen

Associate Professor of Teacher Education · Michigan State University

Joshua Cowen's current research focuses on teacher quality, student and teacher mobility, program evaluation and education policy.

Educational Policy K-12 Administration Statistics, Psychometrics, and Research Design Teacher Education, Learning, and Policy

Alan J. Singer

Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University

Alan Singer specializes in social studies education and United States history.

Social Studies Education United States History History of Slavery Teaching race. ethnicity and class

Charles Venator-Santiago, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Venator-Santiago is an expert in US territorial law and policy with a focus on the history of citizenship

Nation-State building in the Americas Political Theory Latino Politics Puerto Rico/US Law Territorial Legal History Public Law

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.

U.S. Foreign Policy Reform in the Arab world U.S.-Arab Relations Terrorism Political Islam

Natasha Bakht

Associate Professor · University of Ottawa

Professor Bakht’s research interests are in the intersecting area of religious freedom and women’s equality.

Law Culture Rights Minority Rights Religious Freedom Women's Equality

Rattan Lal

Associate Professor, Soil Science | Environment and Natural Resources · The Ohio State University

Rattan Lal is a Professor of Soil Physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University .

Soil Science Environment Natural Resources

Steven Haider

Professor of Economics · Michigan State University

An expert in the economics of labor supply and income equality.

Labor supply economics Poverty data

Randall Stone

Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester

Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.

International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe

Rebecca Hanson

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Rebecca Hanson conducts research on participatory democratic neighborhood experiments and police militarization.

Venezuelan Politics Socialism Political Theory Latin American Studies Citizen Security and Policing

Chris Curran

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Chris Curran’s applies causal inference, mixed methodologies, and data science approaches to the study of public policy and education.

Public Policy School Discipline Early Childhood Education School Resource Officers Children and Poverty

Michael J Gilbert

CEO · Street Level Consultants, LLC

Son of a Hells Angels Biker. How I overcame poverty, addiction to building 16 startups. How you too can overcome anything.

Getting More Out of Your Employees How to Hire the Best for Your Startup

Marlene Schwartz, Ph.D.

Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health (Principal Investigator); Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Dr. Schwartz specializes in school wellness and nutrition programs, and food insecurity.

Food Pantries School Food SNAP School Food Options Nutrition

Gulzar Shah

Department Chair & Professor, Health Policy and Behavior · Georgia Southern University

Gulzar Shah works to explore the fields of health informatics.

Social Determinants of Health Public Workforce Needs and Interests Community Health Health Policy and Behavior Health Informatics

Radley Balko

Investigative Journalist · The Washington Post

Senior writer for the Washington Post, where I do investigative reporting on civil liberties and the criminal justice system

Law Enforcement Police Civil Liberties Crime Prosecutorial Misconduct

Shobha Gurung

Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in gender and labor, comparative family and community, migration, globalization, and transnationalism, and civic engagement.

Global Civic Citizenship Human Rights and Social Justice Gender and Labor Studies Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Community Gender and Society