Deborah J. Rhea

Professor and Director LiiNK Project · Texas Christian University

Deborah J. Rhea, Ph.D. is a full professor in Kinesiology and associate dean of Research and Health Sciences at Texas Christian University.

Children and Physical Activity School Recess Unstructured Play Childhood Obesity Eating Disorders

Nigel Collin

CEO · Thinkativity

Nigel Collin CSP - Helping businesses generate profitable ideas

Leading Innovators

Ramnath K Chellappa

Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management; Academic Director, MS in Business Analytics · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Pricing Digital Product Pricing and Piracy Economics of Privacy Electronic Markets and US Airline Pricing Management of Information Security and Privacy

Lindsay Collier

President · Creative Edge Associates

Highly experienced, unique, and entertaining speaker on topics related to creativity, innovation, and humor in organizations.

Humor in the Workplace Creativity and Innovation in Your Work and Life Dealing With Loss in Your Life

Dong Chen, Ph.D.

Professor of International Business, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Chair, Department of Management

International Business Global Strategic Management Business in China International Joint Ventures Strategic Alliances

Zachary Neal

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Zachary Neal is an expert in cities & neighborhoods, political & transportation networks, and measurement & analysis of social networks.

Public schools Social Networks Transportation Networks Networks Cities

Dr Oscar Rodriguez-Espindola

Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management · Aston University

Dr Rodriguez-Espindola researches supply chain management, operational research, humanitarian logistics and project management.

Supply Chain Management Humanitarian Logistics Operational Research Project Management Operations

Jerry Michalski

Founder · REX

Deep, different perspective on change and innovation

Lateral Thinking Futurist Strategy Development Social Enterprise Innovation

Marcus Crews, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Microfoundations Entrepreneurial Cognition Strategic Cognition

Michael Stanley

Principal · On Purpose Leadership

Mike knows exactly how to light a fire where you need it ? and how to put out ones you don't want! He's spent a lifetime resolving life-and-

Leadership Mentoring Problem Solving Decision Making Conflict Resolution

Elena I. Nicklasson, MA

Vice President of University Relations · Fielding Graduate University

Non Profit Management Fundraising Strategies Communications and Public Relations Strategic Planning Organizational Development and Change

Angelos Keromytis

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Angelos Keromytis is an expert in systems and network security, and applied cryptography.

Computer and Network Security Privacy Software Security Network Security Cryptography Software

Eamon Hoey

Managing Partner · Hoey Associates Management Consultants Inc.

How do organizations capture opportunity created by the unequaled, violent, global, tectonic transformation in our world order?

Change Management Business Transformation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competitive Analysis Culture Change

Erin Skimson

Director · Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship

Responsible for leading the University of Guelph's technology transfer and industrial liaison office.

Entrepreneurship Start-Ups Business Planning Strategic Planning Marketing Strategy

Ron Dizy

Managing Director, Advanced Energy Centre · MaRS Cleantech

Leading the Advanced Energy Centre in its mission to deliver higher levels of energy innovation in Ontario

Energy Innovation Energy Technology Evolution of Modern Power Systems

Professor Giampiero Favato

Director of the Institute of Leadership and Management in Health · Kingston University

He examines the economics of public health policy - and in particular the economics of inequalities in accessing medical treatments.

Pharmaceutical Industry Access to Medical Treatment Health Economics Vaccine Policy

Tony Hu

Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Biotechnology Innovation · Tulane University

Tony Hu is a pioneer in developing advanced diagnostics for personalized medicine and COVID-19 research.

COVID-10 (Coronavirus) Nanoengineering Biotechnology Innovation Biomaterials Biomedical Engineering

Lea Deesing

Assistant City Manager, former CIO · City of Riverside

Motivate staff and spark innovation. Encourage kids to pursue STEM fields. Increase government transparency and improve cyber security.

Information Technology Innovation Leadership STEM Education Government

Pascal van Beek

Managing partner · UC Group

Pascal van Beek is a logistics strategist

Supply Chain and Logistics Management Supply Chain & Logistics Logistical Implementation Logistics and Supply Chain Supply Chain

David Stewart-Patterson

Vice-President, Public Policy · The Conference Board of Canada

No dragon in this den! Combining policy analysis & advocacy, the CBoC's VP of Public Policy enthusiastically supports young entrepreneurs

Public Policy