Erica Frantz
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Michigan State University
Authoritarian politics, aristocratic rule and policy, democratization, conflict
Dictatorship Conflict Authoritarian Politics Democratization Development
Myunghee Lee
Professor · Michigan State University
Myunghee Lee's teaching and research interests include authoritarian politics, democratization, protest and foreign policy.
Epidemiology Asian Studies
Lorynn Divita, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Apparel Design and Merchandising · Baylor University
Leading fashion researcher focuses on fashion forecasting, trend contagion & textile, apparel and retail industry topics
Fashion Forecasting Fashion Contagion Fast Fashion Contemporary Culture and Fashion Fashion Merchandising
Michael A. Genovese
Professor of Political Science and International Relations, President of Global Policy Institute at LMU, Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies, Director of Institute for Leadership Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
American Politics The American Presidency Law and Presidential Power British Politics
Robert Brathwaite
Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Robert Brathwaite's teaching and research interests include international security, terrorism and cyberwarfare.
Cyberwarfare International Security Terrorism Religioius Violence Civil Wars
David Barrett, PhD
Professor of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
David Barrett, PhD, is a presidential historian and leading expert on the CIA's relationship with presidents and Congress.
National Security & Intelligence Issues Politics The Vietnam War United States Congress United States Presidents
Landon Frim, Ph.D.
Expert in politics, philosophy, ethics, and religion · Florida Gulf Coast University
Antisemitism Catholicism Islam Middle East Philosophy
Stephanie Bangarth
Associate Professor, Department of History · King's University College, University of Western Ontario
Activist Academic. Dedicated Volunteer. Avid Outdoorswoman.
Human Rights Immigration Asian Immigration Immigration Policy Social Movements
Matt Zierler
Associate Professor of International Relations · Michigan State University
An expert in U.S. foreign policy, international security, international relations theory, international law and international cooperation.
International Relations Libya France Terrorism Turkey
Paul Kramer
Associate Professor of History · Vanderbilt University
Expert in modern U. S. history, with an emphasis on transnational histories, American social thought and the politics of inequality.
Refugees Immigration U.S. History Foreign Policy
Elizabeth Larus
Professor, Political Science · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Larus is an expert in the politics of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong
Political Science University Teaching Public Policy International Relations Foreign Policy
Chris Jackson
Instructor in International Relations · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
International Relations Comparative Politics Peace Foreign Policy Negotiations
Richard Himelfarb
Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University
Professor Himelfarb's scholarly interests and expertise include health care policy (Affordable Care Act), Congress and the presidency.
Political Science American Politics Affordable Care Act Health Care Policy Congress
Marc Gallicchio, PhD
Professor and Mary M. Birle Chair in History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Marc Gallicchio, PhD, is an expert on World War II, U.S. foreign relations, East Asia, modern military history and modern U.S. history.
History Modern Military History U.S. Foreign Policy Modern U.S. History World War II
David Mednicoff
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Public Policy · University of Massachusetts Amherst
David Mednicoff is an expert in law, politics and policy in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
Middle Eastern, Comparative, and International Law and Politics U.S. Foreign Policy Human Rights Refugee Politics
Diane Turnshek
Special Lecturer · Carnegie Mellon University
Diane Turnshek has spent her career studying astronomy and is one of the foremost experts on light pollution.
Dark Sky Ordinance Light Pollution Artificial Light Astronomy
Christian Appy
Professor of History and Director of the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Christian Appy has written three books on the Vietnam War and heads the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy
The Vietnam War Whistle-blowers Daniel Ellsberg U.S. Foreign Policy 20th and 21st Century U.S. History
Robert Rabil, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.
U.S. Foreign Policy Reform in the Arab world U.S.-Arab Relations Terrorism Political Islam
Karin Fry
Department Chair, Philosophy and Religious Studies · Georgia Southern University
Karin Fry is an expert in continental, social and political philosophy as well as the works of Arendt, Lyotard, and Kant.
Kant Feminism Arendt Philosophy of Art 19th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy
Paolo Spadoni, PhD
Associate Professor of Political Science · Augusta University
Dr. Paolo Spadoni is a widely recognized expert on Cuba and its international relations.
Cuba Latin America International Relations Costa Rica U.S.-Cuba Relations