Dan Green
Director, Master of Entertainment Industry Management Program · Carnegie Mellon University
Dan Green is an experienced program director with a history of working in higher education as well as the entertainment industry.
Directing Entertainment Technology Entertainment Management Tv Production
M. Francyne Huckaby
Associate Provost of Faculty Affairs · Texas Christian University
Dr. Huckaby is professor, associate provost of Faculty Affairs and executive director of the Koehler Center at Texas Christian University.
Feminism and Research Philosophy & Education Film as Research Education and Equity Women and Gender Studies
Leonardo Vivas
Director - LATAM Initiative, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard Kennedy School · Fair Observer
A Fair Observer: Latin American politics, culture & human rights are research interests for Harvard University's Director, LATAM Initiative
Latin America Freedom of Expression in Latin America Journalism and the Media in Latin America The Future of Information in Latin America New Media in Latin America
Jane Paige, RN, Ph.D.
Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Jane Paige is an expert in educational simulations and interprofessional education.
Interprofessional Education Nursing Education Simulation as a Teaching Methodology
Sarah Mendelson
Distinguished Service Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sarah Mendelson's current work is on creating a community of practice dedicated to growing the next generation of human rights experts.
Elections Human Trafficking Humanitarian Affairs Russian Politics Ukrainian Politics
Lindsay Levine
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Lindsay Levine is an expert in consumer judgment and decision-making.
Social Cognition Marketing and Sales Consumer Behavior
Bethany Lacina
Associate Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester
Bethany Lacina is an expert in civil and ethnic conflict.
Migration International Relations Territorial Autonomy Civil Conflict Ethnic Conflict
Michael Moreland, JD, PhD
Professor of Law and Religion; Director, Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University
Michael Moreland, JD, PhD, is an expert in the areas of law and religion, free speech, constitutional law and bioethics.
Supreme Court Free Speech Supreme Court Nomination Process Law and Religion Constitutional Law
Jared McDonald
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. McDonald teaches courses related to American government, political behavior, public policy, and research methodology.
Research Methodology Political Psychology American Government Public Opinion Voting and Elections
Gerald Gamm
Professor of Political Science and History · University of Rochester
Gamm is an expert in U.S and urban politics
Congress State Politics U.S. Politics Urban Politics State Legislatures
Paul Herrnson, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science · University of Connecticut
Paul Herrnson's interests include political parties and elections, money and politics, and voting systems and election administration.
Political Behavior American Institutions and Politics Election Administration Voting Systems Public Opinion
Bree Akesson
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Work · Wilfrid Laurier University
Assistant Professor at Wilfrid Laurier University who conducts research with children and families affected by war and global social work
Refugee and Human Rights Issues War and Violence Children and Families Social Work Social Work Education
Virginia Parks
Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy · UC Irvine
Virginia Parks, PhD, is a geographer and urban planner specializing in the study of urban inequality.
Clean Energy Transition Urban Politics and Policy Racial Inequality Employment Local Economic Development
Matthew Stewart
Principal Economist · The Conference Board of Canada
Prolifigate spending? When it's time to put your fiscal house in order, count on a Principal Economist to steer you in the right direction
Fiscal Forecasting Economic Analysis Government Financing
Jill Miller Zimon
Project Director · The Civic Commons
Walking the talk! Blogger and award-winning Elected Council Member who speaks regularly on the intersection of women, politics & journalism
Journalism & Blogging New Media Politics and Political Analysis Women in Politics Politics and Social Media
Mario Lefebvre
Director, Centre for Municipal Studies · The Conference Board of Canada
City Hall 101: Find out what the latest research indicates as it relates to the economic and financial state of North American cities
The Economics of Cities Economic Analysis Centre for Municipal Studies
Robert Schwartz
Visiting Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: schwartr@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8947 / Office 603G-200
Health Law Bioethics Health Care Decision-Making Legislative Process and Procedure Tort Law
Glen Hodgson
Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist · The Conference Board of Canada
Turning the Telescope Around: Get the bigger picture on how macroeconomics influences public policy and the financial health of your country
Economic Forecasting International Business Productivity and Innovation Economic Analysis
Michael Burt
Director, Industrial Economic Trends · The Conference Board of Canada
And now, the weather: Find out which way the wind is blowing when it comes to forecasting trends in the industrial sectors of the economy
Industrial Economic Analysis Private Sector Economic Analysis
Karla Thorpe
Director, Leadership and Human Resources Research · The Conference Board of Canada
It's not always about money: Learn what it takes to not only attract and retain employees but to increase employee commitment
Labour Relations Workplace Health and Wellness Compensation and Benefits