Martine Hackett

Associate Professor of Population Health · Hofstra University

Dr. Hackett's research focuses on public health and health inequities, particularly in the American suburbs and minority communities.

Public Health Health Communication Research Methods Maternal-Child Health Infant Injury

Camille Thomas

Assistant Provost and Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in coaching psychology, exercise prescription and the pathophysiology of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Weight Management Exercise Science Plyometric Training Biomechanics of Exercise Methods of Sports Conditioning and Nutrition

Christine Chambers

Professor & Canada Research Chair in Children's Pain · Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Professor of Pediatrics & Psychology. Passionate about science helping children

Pain Social Media Psychology Knowledge Mobilization Knowledge Translation

Jennifer Owens-Jofré

Assistant Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Pastoral/Practical Theology Qualitative Research Methods Hispanic/Latine Theology Theologies of Accompaniment

Kimberly Martin Tecklenberg

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Kimberly Martin Tecklenberg teaches courses in American politics, research methods, leadership, and public policy.

Campaigns & Elections State Politics Education Policy Public Policy Leadership

Professor Georgina Jones

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Georgina Jones's research uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods and focuses on women's health.

Women's Health Decision-Making Quality of Life Measurement Health Psychology Research Methods

Lori Wilkinson

Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba

Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods

Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions

Endia J. Lindo

Associate Professor of Special Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Lindo’s expertise is in reading disabilities, comprehension instruction/intervention and the social-cultural factors of learning.

Cultural Competence Special Education Reading Intervention Dyslexia/Reading Disabilities Instructional Strategies

Lauren Beverung, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Lauren Beverung holds degrees in developmental psychology and human development & family sciences.

Research Methods Grief and Bereavement Child Development Psychology Parent-Child Relationships and Parenting

Bryan Koenig

Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in social and evolutionary psychology

Social Relationships Statistics Social Psychology Research Methods Moral Psychology

Dr Rochelle Hockney

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Dr Rochelle Hockney's research investigates the role of infection and inflammation in reproductive health, pregnancy and fertility.

Bioscience Public Health Biomedical Sciences Cancer Research Methods

Lisa Loutzenheiser

Associate Professor, Curriculum and Pedagogy · University of British Columbia

Lisa Loutzenheiser's research is focused on the educational experiences of marginalized youth.

Youth and Education Qualitative Methods Sociology of Education Anthropology of Education Queer Theory

Michele Hammers

Associate Dean and Professor of Communication Studies, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Dean and Professor of Communication Studies

Feminist Media Studies Qualitative Research Methods Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Social Movements Rhetorical Criticism

Elizabeth Johnson-Young

Assistant Professor of Communication · University of Mary Washington

Elizabeth Johnson-Young is an expert on health communication, especially maternal and family health, and media.

Gender and Communication Media Content Small Group Communication Public Communication Campaigns Communication Research Methods

Philip Podsakoff

Chair/Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Philip Podsakoff is an expert in leadership and organizational behavior.

Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relationships between Employee Attitudes and Behaviors Leadership Behavior and Effectiveness Social Power and Influence Processes Organizational Research Methods

Mary Breunig

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, Social Justice and Equity Studies · Brock University

Mary Breunig is an expert in experiential education and social justice pedagogy, an educational consultant, and professor

Environmental Education Experiential Education Social Justice Schoolground Greening Outdoor Education

Andrew Ledbetter

Professor & Chair of Communication Studies · Texas Christian University

Andrew Ledbetter investigates how people use communication technology to maintain close ties with friends, family, and romantic partners.

Quantitative Research Methods Psychological Health Friendships Communication Technology Social Media

Lisa Lefler

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Lisa Lefler’s Research Focuses on Native Health and Indigenous Knowledge in American Indian Communities

Native Health American Indian Fatherhood Native American Studies Appalachian Studies Cherokee Studies

Taryn Allen

Associate Professor · Texas Christian University

Taryn Allen researches the educational experiences of traditionally under-represented students, particularly Latino, in higher education.

Qualitative Research Methods Inclusion in Higher Education Diversity in Higher Education Equity in Higher Education Higher Education Leadership

Michelle Bauml

Associate Professor and Clotilda Winter Professor of Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Bauml focuses on early childhood/elementary teacher education and teacher decision-making, civic education, and social studies.

Qualitative Research Methods Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs iEngage - Civics Education Teacher Decision-Making Elementary Social Studies Education