Barry H. Rosen, Ph.D.

Expert in cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms and blue-green algae · Florida Gulf Coast University

Barry Rosen studies the nature of freshwater harmful algal blooms and their dynamics.

blue-green algae Cyanobacterial genetics Diatoms Limnology Fish kills

Alexa H. Veenema

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Alexa Veenema's research focuses on understanding the roles of the neuropeptides vasopressin and oxytocin in regulating social behavior.

sex differences Oxytocin Behavioral Neuroscience Social Behavior vasopressin

Carolyn Snider

Emergency Physician at Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre & Medical Director · Emergency Department Violence Intervention Program

An academic emergency medicine physician dedicated to advocating for people affected by violence

Trauma Care Youth Violence Intimate Partner Violence Emergency Medicine

Sandra Ka Hon Chu

Director of Research and Advocacy · Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network / Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida

Human rights advocate for people living with, affected by and vulnerable to HIV.

Hiv / Aids Prison health Drug Policy Harm Reduction Sex Work and Prostitution Law

Roberta Pileggi

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Roberta Pileggi is a board-certified endodontist with expertise in diagnosing and treating oral pain.

Endodontics Bone and Inflammation Oral Trauma Higher Education

Ian Driscoll

Director · University of Florida

Dr. Ian Driscoll specializes in the surgical and critical care of burns, traumatic injuries, and complex wounds.

Resuscitation Aeromedical Evacuation Sepsis Desquamative Diseases Skin Grafting

Todd Fenton

Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Forensic Anthropology Laboratory · Michigan State University

An expert in forensic anthropology.

skeletal trauma unidentified human remains Forensic Anthropology human identification

Lisa Goodpastor

Founder · The Stephood Project

Lisa hopes by sharing her story it will bring awareness and action against parental alienation.

Alienated Child Trauma

Joaquín Noguera

Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Critical pedagogy Urban Education K-12 Teaching and Learning Healing-Centered Engagement Trauma-Informed Practice

Mary Twis

MSW Program Director and Associate Professor · Texas Christian University

Dr. Twis specializes in research on human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Youth Sex Trafficking Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Homelessness and Human Trafficking Violence and Human Trafficking

Marcio Guelmann

Professor/Chair · College of Dentistry

Marcio Guelmann is the chair of Pediatric Dentistry.

Restorative Dentistry for Pediatric Patients Dental Trauma Pediatric Dentistry Pulp Therapy

Keith Smith

Survivor of a childhood stranger abduction rape · Author, "Men in My Town"

Speaker on sexual abuse prevention and childhood sexual trauma.

Sexual Violence Sex Abuse Survivors Child Sexual Abuse Child Sex Abuse Trauma Child Sex Abuse Prevention

Enrique Armas Vargas

Psicólogo, Docente, Investigador · Universidad de La Laguna

Psicólogo, Docente, Investigador Universidad de La Laguna

Conflict Resolution Non Violent Communications Post Traumatic Stress Desorder

Jessica Payne-Murphy

Clinical Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jessica Payne-Murphy is director of the Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.

Behavioral sleep medicine Depression Anxiety Fibromyalgia Clinical Health Psychology

Judith Radasch Stickler

Author · Archway Publishing

Using Full Circle: A Witness to Healing through Science and Faith and Just Plain Living for prevention of and healing from sexual assault.

Trauma Including Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma and Recovery Healing From Abuse Healing Childhood Trauma Public Speaking

Dr. Randy McIntosh

Vice-President of Research ; Director, Rotman Research Institute · Baycrest

A world-renowned expert in the use of neuro-imaging methods (fMRI, PET, EEG and MEG) and computational modeling.

Neuroscience Computational Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Brain Imaging Brain Modeling

Dianne T. V. Pawluk, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | BSc., University of Alberta | MSc., Queen's University, Canada | Ph.D. Harvard · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Pawluk develops devices and algorithms for assistive technology for individuals who are blind and visually impaired

Devices and algorithms for assistive technology for individuals who are blind and visually impaired Accessing graphical information Navigation and orientation Mobility aids Rehabilitation technology

Lakiesha Williams

Professor · University of Florida

Lakiesha Williams studies mechanistic changes in traumatic brain injuries, mechanics of soft tissues, and soft tissue characterization.

Neurological Degeneration Traumatic Brain Injury

Valerie Smaldone

Award winning top rated media personality · Valerie Smaldone Media Worldwide

Sought after speaker on media, women's issues and personal growth; Corporate trainer and presenter

Life in Media Women and Entrepreneurship Dealing With Traumatic Illness How to Become A Media Personality Interviewing Skills

Leo Barbe

Founder · Think Don't Shoot

Award winning youth activist, published author, spoken word artist, National figure on youth vioelnce and founder of a youth empowerment org

Youth Assistance Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Emotional Intelligence Youth Violence Empowering Victims of Violence