Anna Moore

Director of Precision Health Program and Assistant Dean · Michigan State University

Expert in imaging and image-guided therapies in cancer and diabetes

Early Detection Cancer In Vivo Imaging Diabetes Image-Guided Therapy

Audrey Bowden

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering · Vanderbilt University

Expert in light-based tools for applications to medicine and biology, including early detection, diagnosis and therapy.

Biomedical imaging Medical Device Design Biophotonics Biomedical Engineering Engineering

Chunyu Wang

Professor, Biological Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Applying nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to study Alzheimer's and other diseases.

Oncology Biochemistry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Biomedical imaging Alzheimer's Disease

Steven Lazarus, Ph.D.

Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lazarus' research interests include data assimilation, electrical phenomena such as gigantic jets, and wind/wave interactions.

Climate Change Hurricanes Wind and Waves Data Assimilation Gigantic Jets

Dr. Sima Salahshor

Adjunct Professor · University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine

Health Innovation Advisory and Program Design & Management

Oncology and Cancer Research Psychedelic Medicine Medical Genetics Business Development & Partnerships Program Implementation

Douglas M. Brugge, Ph.D., M.S.

Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor Brugge is an expert in occupational and environmental health.

Health Communication Asthma Wildfires Air Quality Environmental Health

Adrian Newman-Tancredi

Neuropharmacology Consulting · NeuroAct Communication

Experienced public speaker and neuropharmacologist with proven expertise in study of antipsychotics, antidepressants and analgesics.

Antipsychotics Neuropharmacology Serotonin Depression

John Dorgan

Inaugural David L. and Denise M. Lamp Endowed Chair in Chemical Engineering at Michigan State University · Michigan State University

Expert in polymeric materials and composites (emphasis on wind turbine composite materials)

Fiber Reinforced Plastics Polymers from Renewable Resources Soft Materials

Derek Buzasi, Ph.D.

Expert in astrophysics, spaceflight and optics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Derek Buzasi's research involves almost anything to do with stars or the sun.

Stars Asteroseismology Nonlinear Dynamics Satellites and Spaceflight Exoplanets

Kate Broer

Partner · Dentons Canada LLP

Award-winning, high-profile litigation lawyer, and co-chair of Dentons Canada's one-of-a-kind National Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Professional Liability Securities Litigation Environmental Review Tribunals Diversity Initiatives in the Legal Profession

Henry A. McGee Jr., Ph.D.

Founding Dean, Dean Emeritus and Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. McGee led the joint VCU/VA Tech project to bring quality engineering education to the metro Richmond area.

Jorge Ibarra Gonzalez

Tutor · Loyola Marymount University

Dr Nazanin Zand

Associate Professor of Food and Science Nutrition · University of Greenwich

She researches - and advises industrial partners - on issues of nutrition, food content and food production.

Catering Baby Food Healthy Eating Special Diets Food

Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.

Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas

Dr Jo Barnes

Senior Research Fellow in Air Quality · UWE Bristol

Her research is in policy, management and behaviour change related to improving air quality.

Low Emissions Smog Air Quality Pollution Traffic Pollution

Michael Faggella-Luby

Professor · Texas Christian University

Michael Faggella-Luby helps educators to implement methods and instructional materials for students with and without disabilities.

Implementation of Specific Evidence-based Pedagogies and Interventions Identification of Critical Systemic Variables Associated with School Reform and Intervention Implementation Secondary and Post-Secondary Education Learning Disabilities A Systematic Review of Assessment Tools for Higher Ed and Disability

Joshua Voss, Ph.D.

Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.

Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology

Jodie Hayob

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences · University of Mary Washington

Professor Hayob has expertise in petrology, minerology and geochemistry.

Geology Petrology Mineralogy Geochemistry

Don Duval

Chief Executive Officer · NORCAT

Experienced, dynamic, and engaging speaker on an array of topics related to innovation, commercialization, and entrepreneurship

Turnaround Strategies Entrepreneurship Academic Research Commercialization

Adam Haesler

Author and blogger · Author of the series "How to Improve Test Scores!"

Helping students reach their full potential