Jon Christensen
CEO · Bidmii International
As CEO and co-founder of Bidmii International, Jon Christensen is helping lead the proptech revolution in the home improvement industry.
Proptech Contractors Construction Strategic Management Home Improvement
Ruomeng Cui
Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Cui's research focuses on how operations strategies create and deliver value in companies' digital transformation
Digital Retail Platform Markets Operations Strategy Supply Chain Data-driven Decision
Dr Ahmad Beltagui
Senior Lecturer · Aston University
Dr Beltagui is an experienced researcher with expertise in Advanced Services, Innovation & Design Management and 3D Printing.
Manufacturing Management Innovation 3d Printing Services
Randall Stone
Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester
Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.
International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe
David Neumark
Distinguished Professor of Economics · UC Irvine
David Neumark is a labor economist whose work focuses on minimum wages, discrimination in the work force, and worker compensation.
Health Economics Finance Gender Inequality in Relationships Economics Demographics
Rachel Parker
Associate Professor of Arts Administration · Southern Utah University
Specializing in arts administration, grant writing, and leadership
Arts Administration Leadership Leadership in the Arts Grant Writing Marketing the Arts
Cheryl Carleton, PhD
Associate Professor of Economics; Director of the Villanova Women's Professional Network| Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Cheryl Carleton, PhD, is an expert in labor economics and women in the workforce.
Business Unemployment Women in the Workforce Labor Economics Microeconomics
Pramod Abichandani
Associate Professor of Applied Engineering and Technology · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Researches drones, robotics and embedded systems
Controls and Communications Controls Electrical and Computer Engineering Drones Robotics
Meg Ambrose
Partner · The Lancer Group
A recognized expert in Global Technology and Services.
Private Equity Recruiting Private Equity Search Executive Recruiting Operating Partners Information Technology and Services
Patrick Schwerdtfeger
Author & Speaker · Patrick Schwerdtfeger
America's Most Inspiring Small Business Speaker
Social Media Business Marketing
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of Center for Employment Equity · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey is an expert in understanding the processes that generate workplace inequality.
Employment Equity Labor Markets Income Distributions Economic Sociology Organizations and Inequality
Veena Dubal
Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: / 415-565-4860 / Office 364-200
Critical Race Theory Sociology of Social Movements Legal Anthropology Work Law Law and Social Change
Himadri Banerji
Sought after chairperson, mentor and a dynamic speaker for conferences. He provides perspectives based on a vast arena of invaluable experie
Epc Risk Plant Commissioning and Startup Asset Integrity
Dr Haris Alexakis
Lecturer, Civil Engineering · Aston University
Dr Alexakis conducts research on smart/digital infrastructure for sustainable civil engineering systems.
Ageing Infrastructure Smart Bridges Structural Health Monitoring Structural Analysis of Masonry/Historic Structures Signal Processing and Data Analytics
Moeness Amin, PhD
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of the Center for Advanced Communications | Villanova College of Engineering · Villanova University
Moeness Amin, PhD, is an expert in the theory of signal and array processing with applications to radar, sonar, and communications
Smart Antennas Radar Radar Imaging Sonar Surveillance
Catherine Connelly
Associate Professor, Human Resources and Management · DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
Dr. Catherine Connelly's research focuses on the attitudes, behaviours, and experiences of non-standard workers.
Non-Standard Employee Contracts Organizational Behaviour Organizational Health and Safety Management Organizational Justice Organizational Citizenship
Rima Taher
Senior University Lecturer · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Taher focuses on structural technology, stability of structures, architectural cognizance and engineering standards
Hurricanes Structural Engineering Engineering & Technical Design Structural Design Engineering
Reuel Schiller
Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4879 / Office 380-200
Administrative Law American Legal History Labor Law Employment Law
Shane Wolffe
Founder · Future Proof Solutions
Future Proof: Building Sustainable Societies & Homes
Green Building Urban Design Climate Change Leadership Passive House Sustainable Development
Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor
Assistant Professor in faith and peaceful relations · Coventry University
Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor specialises in how people engage with religion and with religious beliefs.
Diversity Muslim Women Inter-faith relations Religion Islam