Dr Steve Wright

Senior Research Fellow in Avionics and Aircraft Systems · UWE Bristol

He has worked in the aerospace industry for 25 years and now studies drones, electric vertical take-off and more.

Flight Safety Avionics Aerospace Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Drones

Kerstin Fisk

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Conflict Processes Refugees Civil Conflict and Violence Preventive Force and Drones International Relations

Nicholas Canfield Read Brown

Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Bioethics - Minor · Loyola Marymount University

The Bioethics Institute Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Pramod Abichandani

Associate Professor of Applied Engineering and Technology · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Researches drones, robotics and embedded systems

Controls and Communications Controls Electrical and Computer Engineering Drones Robotics

Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.

Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs

Danaya Wright

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Danaya Wright has expertise in real property, including probate, homestead, heirs' property, rail-trails, easements, and equal rights.

Constitutional Amendment Procedure Legal History Railroad and Transportation Probate Procedures Constitutional Law

Hashem Ashrafiuon, PhD

Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Director of the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics & Control | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Hashem Ashrafiuon, PhD, is an expert on robotics, autonomous vehicles, and nonlinear dynamics and control.

Drones Advanced Dynamics Robotics System Dynamics Multibody Dynamics

George A. Kantor

Research Professor / Associate Director of Education · Carnegie Mellon University

George Kantor has been developing robotic technologies to address problems in agriculture and scientific exploration for 15 years.

Underwater Robotics Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry Field & Service Robotics Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Mining Robotics

James Thatcher

Import Export Manager · Totes-Isotoner

Experience in Logistics, Trade, and Navigating through US Customs to help you succeed in business!

Customs Regulations International Logistics Import / Export

Arthur Trembanis

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.

Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks

Nabil Al-Tikriti

Associate Professor of History & American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Al-Tikriti has firsthand experience with Middle Eastern affairs, as a researcher, humanitarian and election monitor.

Forced Migration (Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons) Genocide Higher Education Humanitarian Affairs History of the Ottoman Empire

Jennifer M. Ramos

Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Director of Global Learning, Office of International Programs and Partnerships · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

International Relations International Norms Us Foreign Policy International Security Preventive Use of Force

Gustavo Vejarano

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Multimedia Communications

Ravi Hadimani

Associate Professor and Director of Biomagnetics Laboratory · Virginia Commonwealth University

Professor Hadimani specializes in non-invasive brain stimulation, biomagnetics, magnetocalorics and energy harvesting research.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Tms) Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Magnetic Nanoparticles Magnetocaloric Effect Rare-Earth Magnetic Materials

Alessandro Acquisti

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alessandro Acquisti’s research investigates the economics and behavioral economics of privacy, and privacy in online social networks.

AI Ethics Transition Economics Human-Agent Interaction Economics of Privacy Information Security

Xiaobo Tan

MSU Research Foundation Professor and Richard M. Hong Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering · Michigan State University

Expert in robotic fish, mobile sensing in aquatic environments

Soft Robotics Underwater Robotics Underwater Sensing

C. Nataraj, PhD

Moritz Endowed Professor of Engineered Systems; Director, VCADS Research Center | College of Engineering · Villanova University

C. Nataraj, PhD, is an expert in unmanned vehicles, robotics, and diagnostic healthcare systems.

Autonomous Vehicles Drones Machine Learning Unmanned Vehicles Robotics

Selwyn Piramuthu

Professor · University of Florida

Selwyn Piramuthu is a professor of Information Systems at the University of Florida.

AI Authentication Auto-Id Cold Chain Cryptography

Serge Thomas, Ph.D.

Expert in the ecology of aquatic environments · Florida Gulf Coast University

Serge Thomas specializes in the consequences of natural and human stresses in aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological Engineering Hydrosystems Technologies to Clean Water Microplastics Algal Blooms

Jill Bronfman

Program Director of the Privacy and Technology Project at the Institute for Innovation Law and Adjunct Professor of Law in Data Privacy · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: bronfmanj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4758 / Office 112-200

Technology Law Innovation Law Data Privacy Data Security Intellectual Property Law