Mohammed Essaid MEZERREG

Internship Trainee · Center for Development of Advanced Technologies(CDTA)

Computer Science Engineer (Système Informatique)

PHP C# Linux .Net Framework C

Andy Alterini

Growth Hacker

Growth Hacker. I help people grow and accelerate their businesses

Marketing Negotiation Growth Hacking Internet Startups

Sinead Mac Manus

Founder and Yoga Teacher · 8fold | Digital Wellbeing Consultancy

Digital Coach | Productivity Coach | Digital Trainer | The Business Yogi | Social Entrepreneur | Yoga Teacher

Social Media Wellbeing Productivity

Sean Burton

Founder and lead consultant · Analyt Data and Technology Solutions Ltd.

Founder & CEO @ Analyt

MVT SQL Interactive Design Web Analytics Survey

Brian Keating

Webinar Facilitator and Knowledge Manager · Maher & Maher

Experienced Webinar Facilitator and Knowledge Manager

Dennis Reich

Founder · Greater Sudbury Medical Centre

Dr. Reich owns, operates and advises for multiple medical, software, research and technology corporations.

Healthcare Science Technology