Tara Trammell

Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware

Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.

Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution

David Wagner, Ph.D.

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut

Professor Wagner is an expert in caterpillars, butterflies, moths, insect conservation, global insect decline

Butterflies and Moths Caterpillars Entomology Invasive Species Impacts Insects

James Randerson

Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine

James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.

Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants

Asia Dowtin

Assistant Professor of Forestry · Michigan State University

Asia Dowtin's research uses in situ sampling and laboratory techniques to quantify hydrologic and nutrient cycling in the urban forest.

Youth Engagement Hydrologic and Nutrient Cycling in Urban Forests Ecosystem Services of the Urban Forest Urban Forest Planning and Management Workforce Development

F.E. "Jack" Putz

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Frances "Jack" Putz applies science to real-world problems related to ecosystem management and conservation.

Plant Ecology Indonesian Consevation Issue Economic Botany Applied Ecology Florida Natural History

Aaron M. Bauer, PhD

Professor and Gerald M. Lemole Endowed Chair in Integrative Biology · College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Villanova University

Aaron Bauer, PhD, is a leading expert on reptiles, with a specialty in geckos, systematics and biogeography.

Natural History Collections Vertebrate Morphology Reptiles Systematics Biogeography

David Godwin

Director · University of Florida

David Godwin researches fire ecology, from remote sensing assessments of burn severity to prescribed fire and forest carbon dynamics.

Wildfire Fire Science Fire Ecology Prescribed Fire

Robert T. Fahey, Ph.D.

George F. Cloutier Professor in Forestry · University of Connecticut

Robert Fahey is interested in understanding linkages between the composition, structure, and functioning of forest ecosystems.

Forestry Natural Resources Forest Ecology Forest Ecosystems

Brett Grainger, ThD

Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Brett Grainger, ThD, researches the changing face of modern spirituality in America and how various religions view the natural world.

Religion and Nature Modern Spirituality American Religious History History of Christianity Evangelicalism

James Costa

Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University

Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.

Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology

Richard Kobe

Professor of Forestry · Michigan State University

Expert on the ecological processes governing the dynamics of tree communities in temperate and tropical forests

Tree Communities in Temperate and Tropical Forests Forestry

Scott Wallace

Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut

Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.

Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes

Kerrie Sendall

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Sendall focuses on the effects of global climate change on plant traits such as photosynthetic rates, growth, and survival

Invasive Species Biodiversity Climate Change Biology Biology of Plants

Lynn Salsi

Author, Storyteller, Teacher, Historian, Speaker · Lynn Salsi Consulting

With boundless enthusiasm, Southern history and folktales come alive with this Pulitzer Prize Nominated author & storyteller

Fiction Editing & Writing Teaching Public Relations Marketing Communications

Joyce Fassbender, Ph.D.

Expert in insect and spider biodiversity · Florida Gulf Coast University

Joyce Fassbender is an entomologist and arachnologist with research interests in general biology.

Beetles Spiders Insect Biodiversity Entomology Arachnology

Andrew Dolby

Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Dolby’s research focuses on avian behavior and physiological ecology.

Zoology Physiological Ecology Ornithology Avian Behavior Behavioral Ecology

Laura Kehoe

Post doctoral Fellow, Department of Biology · University of Victoria

Identifying pathways to balance human resource use with the conservation of biodiversity.

Wildlife Conservation Agricultural impacts on biodiversity Chimpanzee Conservation Conservation Decision Science Root drivers of biodiversity loss

Rodrigo Vargas

Professor, Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change · University of Delaware

Prof. Vargas’ work focuses on global environmental change, nature-based solutions, and environmental data science.

Climate Change Environmental Data Science Blue Carbon Nature-based Solutions Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere

Jonathan Bloch

Curator/Professor · University of Florida

Jonathan Bloch is a paleontologist focused on the fossil record of vertebrates at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

Primate Evolution Paleontology Fossil Vertebrates Paleobiology Vertebrate Paleontology

Isabella Velicogna

Professor, Earth System Science, Physical Sciences Associate Dean Graduate Studies, Equity and Inclusion · UC Irvine

Isabella Velicogna is a Professor of Earth System Sciences and a Faculty Part time at NASA/Caltech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Physical Climate Sea Level Rise GRACE Satellite Climate Change