Ashlee R. Barnes-Lee

Assistant Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University

Her research aims to mitigate racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile legal system and disparities in school-based discipline.

Juvenile Justice Reform‎ Racial and Ethnic Disparities in School-Based Discipline Strengths-Based Risk Assessment and Treatment Community-Driven Research Methods Scale Development

Gene Wright

Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Serial entrepreneur, innovator, and educator with experience in the classroom and beyond and worked with hundreds of small business owners.

Lou Russell

CEO / Queen / Learning Facilitator · Russell Martin & Associates

As a sought-after international speaker to leaders, Lou blends her humorous stories with her engaging on-the-ground experience to customize

Project Management for Scalability Eq for Project Decision Making Success Leading Unruly Project Teams Focused Performance

Venkatesh Kodur

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Michigan State University

An internationally renowned expert in the evaluation of fire resistance of structural systems through large-scale fire experiments

Building Collapse Investigation Fire Resistance of Structural Systems Concrete and Steel Structural Systems

Beth Campbell Duke

The Career Tutor · Personal Brand Academy

The Career Tutor @ PersonalBrand.Academy

Youth Engagement Career Education Youth Employment Personal Branding Career Skills & Development

Heather Battaly, Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy · University of Connecticut

Professor Battaly works in epistemology and ethics, with a focus epistemic virtue.

Procrastinators Slackers Closed-Mindedness Human Characteristics Dogmatism

Philip Podsakoff

Chair/Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Philip Podsakoff is an expert in leadership and organizational behavior.

Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Relationships between Employee Attitudes and Behaviors Leadership Behavior and Effectiveness Social Power and Influence Processes Organizational Research Methods

Jerusha Conner, PhD

Professor of Education; Program Coordinator, Graduate Education | Department of Education and Counseling · Villanova University

Jerusha Conner, PhD, is an expert on student engagement, student voice, youth activism and education policy.

Student Engagement Student Voice Youth Activism Urban Education Education Policy

Manuel W. Lloyd

Founder & Futurist · Manuel W. Lloyd Consulting®

Helping Organizations Achieve Legislative Compliance & Data Breach Protection Within Their IT Environments

Cloud Computing Strategic Planning Governance Issues Education and Technologies (Icts) It Compliance

Patricia Edwards

Professor of Teacher Education and Literacy · Michigan State University

Patricia Edwards is an expert in early/emergent/intergenerational literacy, family engagement, diversity issues

ELL Learners Urban Education Literacy Education Family Engagement Family, Community and School Partnerships

Eric Yttri

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Yttri's research goal is to establish how neural circuits lead to these action selection decisions.

Motor Coordination Cognitive Brain Function Neural Circuits Neuroscience

Darcey Howard

Founder · Personal Branding Through Appearance

Inspiring and engaging speaker that creates a linear approach to creative concepts.

Personal Branding Through Appearance Executive Positioning for Women Solo-Preneur Success Personal Branding Branding

Gary Sibeck, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Business Law, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Law Latin America International Marketing

Amita Chudgar

Associate Professor of Education Policy · Michigan State University

Amita Chudgar's long-term interest focuses on ensuring that all learners have equal access to high-quality learning opportunities.

Education Policy Comparative and International Education Development and Education Economics and Education

Rick Baker

Founder · Spirited Leaders Corporation


A) Business Changing for the Better: Good Habits Bad Habits & New Things People Process & Situations

Meredith Rausch, PhD

Associate Professor · College of Education

A leading expert in counselor education with research focusing on underserved populations, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals and women.

Counselor Education Veterans and Military Families LGBTQ+ Mentorship

April Luehmann

Associate Professor of Teaching & Curriculum · University of Rochester

Luehmann is an education expert in the Warner School of Education

Augmented Reality in Education Innovative Teaching Science Education

Stevo Todorcevic

Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Stevo Todorčević is a Serbian-French-Canadian mathematician, known for his research in Ramsey theory, and mathematical analysis.

Set Theory Ramsey theory

James C. Kaufman, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Kaufman's research focuses on creativity and educational psychology.

Creativity and Personality Creativity and Equity Creativity and Meaning Creativity and Positive Psychology

Tim Brodhead

Senior Fellow (SiG National) · Social Innovation Generation (SiG)

A non-profit pioneer who continues working to create a more resilient society by enhancing inclusion, sustainability, and social innovation

Philanthropy Non-Profit Management Social Innovation Social Finance Sustainability