Laura Chomiuk

Astronomer · Michigan State University

Laura Chomiuk is an expert of novae and gamma rays.

Astronomy Supernovae Novae Gamma Rays

Bryan E. Penprase, PhD

Dean · Soka University

Professor Penprase is Dean of Faculty and Professor of Science.

Quasar Absorption Line Spectroscopy Archaeoastronomy Observational Astrophysics Astrophysics Astronomy

Sergey Klimenko

Professor · University of Florida

Sergey Klimenko’s research interests include detection of gravitational waves, gamma-ray bursts and as-yet-unknown systems.

Gravitational Waves Astrophysics LIGO Black Holes Space

David Weintraub

Professor of Astronomy; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Program in Communication of Science & Technology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in astrophysics who also writes about extraterrestrial life, human space travel and space colonization.

Space colonization Extraterrestrial life Mars colonization Mars Space travel

James Bullock

Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Professor Physical Sciences, Physics & Astronomy · UC Irvine

James Bullock studies how galaxies and their constituent dark matter halos have formed and evolved over billions of years of cosmic time.

Dark Matter Star Formation Astronomy Galaxy Dynamics Physics

Megan Donahue

Professor of Astronomy · Michigan State University

Megan Donahue is an expert on AGN feedback in clusters and circumgalactic gas and is now president of the American Astronomical Society.

Galaxy Formation Galaxies Stars

Jeff Secrest

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Prof. Secrest focuses on experimental neutrino physics, experimental flavor physics, maximum entropy techniques, group theory, & gravitation

Gravitation Maxent Quarks Physics and Astronomy Supernovae

Guenakh Mitselmakher

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Guenakh Mitselmakher’s research interests include experimental particle physics and LIGO experiment for the search of gravitational waves.

Gravitational Waves LIGO Astrophysics

John Gizis

Professor, Physics and Astronomy · University of Delaware

Prof. Gizis focuses his research on improving the understanding of stars and brown dwarfs (failed stars).

Brown Dwarfs and Binaries Cool Stars Stars Solar System Cosmology

Enrique Gomez

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Enrique Gomez's interests are in supernova, gamma-ray bursts, and late stage stellar outflows.

Cosmic-ray Radiation Late Stage Stellar Outflows Supernova Gamma-ray Bursts Physics Education Research

Heidi Jo Newberg

Professor, Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Studies the formation and structure of the Milky Way and other galaxies

Physics Color Selection of QSOs Supernova Phenomenology Astronomy Galaxy Photometry